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jigger 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jiggers, plural;
  1. Rearrange or tamper with

  1. A machine or vehicle with a part that rocks or moves back and forth, e.g., a jigsaw

  2. A person who dances a jig

  3. A small fore-and-aft sail set at the stern of a ship

  4. A small tackle consisting of a double and single block or two single blocks with a rope

  5. A measure or small glass of spirits or wine

  6. A metal golf club with a narrow face

  7. Used to refer to a thing whose name one does not know or does not wish to mention
    • - see them little jiggers?

  1. shot glass: a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey
  2. jiggermast: any small mast on a sailing vessel; especially the mizzenmast of a yawl
  3. harvest mite: larval mite that sucks the blood of vertebrates including human beings causing intense irritation
  4. (jiggered) (British informal expletive) surprised; "Well I'm jiggered!"
  5. A jigger or measure is a bartending tool used to measure liquor, which is typically then poured into a cocktail shaker. It is named for the unit of liquid it typically measures, a 1.5 fluid ounce (~44 ml) jigger or shot. ...
  6. A double-ended vessel, generally of stainless steel or other metal, one end of which typically measures 1 1/2 fluid ounces, the other typically 1 fluid ounce; One who jigs; A measure of 1 1/2 fluid ounces of liquor; A device for producing flatware; A device used in the dyeing of cloth; A ...
  7. (Jiggering) Forming a pot between a revolving mold which shapes the inside and a template which shapes the outside and foot. (1)
  8. (Jiggering) Shaping of flatware, by means of a profiled tool at a fixed distance from the rotating surface of a plaster mould.
  9. (Jiggering) v. Using the jigger to set and polish the forepart stitching. It may be used with a bit of soap or dissolved gum, or even heated with a candle to fill, smooth, and strengthen the stitches. [Devlin, 1840]  It should not be heated about "blood heat". [Rees, 1813]
  10. (Jiggers) Beggars who pretended affliction to gain sympathy and handouts. (A jig is a dance, and many beggars used “song and dance” routines to beg. A jig is also a jerking motion, and many fakers jerked and twitched for sympathy.)
  11. American bar measure 40ml. or 1.5 imperial ounces.
  12. 1.5 shots; 1.5 fluid ounces
  13. Also called a shot, a jigger is a small drinking glass- shaped container used to measure liquor.
  14. is a container for measuring liquids when making mixed drinks.
  15. Mould or profile used when unform shapes have to be made repetitively on the wheel. See also - Jolley
  16. An obsolete iron that had a narrow blade and approximately the loft of a modern No. 4 iron.
  17. A Purchase used in Merchant Ships to hold on the Cable.
  18. A small tackle, used about decks or aloft.
  19. A must for any bartender. The traditional jigger is double sided with a large measure on one end, and a smaller one on the other. The larger measure is typically 1.5 ounces, and is called a “jigger.” The smaller side is usually 1 full ounce, and is referred to as a “pony.”
  20. Term, commonly used in the late 19th century/early 20th century, to refer to a high-frequency transformer used in early spark transmitters to couple the aerial circuit to the oscillation-generating circuit. In modern terms, a type of transformer.
  21. A machine for the shaping of clay body into flatware by the differential rotation of a profile tool and mould. Also the process. (W)
  22. Fourth mast from the bow on a ship, barque or schooner.
  23. a seldom used term for an old fashioned short iron wedge that was used to extract the ball from deep rough.
  24. The single internal button in a double-breasted jacket, which you should always fasten.
  25. A jigger is an hour-glass shaped steel measuring device - where one side measures 1 ounce (30ml) and the other measures 1½ ounces (45ml). However, jiggers come in many different sizes.