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jeer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jeered, past participle; jeering, present participle; jeered, past tense; jeers, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice
    • - some of the younger men jeered at him
    • - the jeering crowds
  2. Shout such remarks at (someone)
    • - the performers were jeered and heckled
  1. A rude and mocking remark

  1. showing your contempt by derision
  2. laugh at with contempt and derision; "The crowd jeered at the speaker"
  3. (jeering) derisive: abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule; "derisive laughter"; "a jeering crowd"; "her mocking smile"; "taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'"
  4. A railing remark or reflection; a scoff; a taunt; a biting jest; a flout; a jibe; mockery; To utter sarcastic or scoffing reflections; to speak with mockery or derision; to use taunting language; to scoff; as, to jeer at a speaker; To treat with scoffs or derision; to address with jeers; to ...
  5. (Jeers) Heavy tackle used for hoisting the lower yards in square riggers.
  6. a rarely used signal for some kind of negative action: in Staple of News (which lists five “jeerers”) "jeers him again" is preceded by "makes a mouth at him" (2.2. ...
  7. (v) hılikkе etеrgе, sındırırģa
  8. A spiritual head of Vaishnavites