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jawbone 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jawbones, plural;
  1. Attempt to persuade or pressure by the force of one's position of authority
    • - the Federal Reserve Board Vice Chairman jawboned the dollar higher by calling its recent steep decline a purely speculative phenomenon
    • - an analyst jawboning about the industry
  1. A bone of the jaw, esp. that of the lower jaw (the mandible), or either half of this

  1. lower jaw: the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
  2. shmooze: talk idly or casually and in a friendly way
  3. The mandible (from Latin mandibula, "jawbone") or inferior maxillary bone forms the lower jaw and holds the lower teeth in place. ...
  4. The Jawbone is a line of Bluetooth mobile phone headsets produced by Aliph, a privately-held San Francisco-based consumer technology company founded by Alex Asseily and Hosain Rahman. ...
  5. The jawbone of a donkey or zebra has been used as a primitive percussion instrument. When struck, the teeth rattle; it can be viewed as an early precursor of the vibraslap.
  6. Jawbone is the pseudonym of Bob Zabor, an American blues musician from Detroit. He is particularly unusual in that he is a one-man band. The instruments he plays include the harmonica, the guitar and the tambourine. He deliberately aims for a lo-fi sound, akin to early blues recordings.
  7. The bone of the lower jaw, the mandible; Any of the bones in lower or upper jaw; To talk persistently to persuade a person or people to cooperate
  8. Of an ass afforded Samson a weapon for the great slaughter of the Philistines (Jdg 15:15), in which he slew a thousand men. In Jdg 15:19 the Authorized Version reads, "God clave a hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout." This is a mis-translation of the words. ...
  9. an account, tab, or tally of indebtedness, especially loanshark or gambling debts. Also, talk, converse, palaver, gab, rap, shoot the breeze, chew the rag, chin wag, chin dance; see TALK TRASH, POOP. Also, to influence or persuade without resorting to force or authority. ...
  10. The army term for getting someone the credit.
  11. The hard bone that supports the face and includes alveolar bone, which anchors the teeth.