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jabber 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jabbers, 3rd person singular present; jabbered, past tense; jabbered, past participle; jabbering, present participle;
  1. Talk rapidly and excitedly but with little sense
    • - he jabbered away to his friends
  1. Fast, excited talk that makes little sense
    • - stop your jabber

  1. rapid and indistinct speech
  2. rant: talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
  3. Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open-standard communications protocol for message-oriented middleware based on Extensible Markup Language (XML). ...
  4. In computer networking, the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a communications protocol of a layer is the size (in bytes) of the largest protocol data unit that the layer can pass onwards. MTU parameters usually appear in association with a communications interface (NIC, serial port, etc.). ...
  5. (Jabbering) Babbling (also called baby talk or twaddling) is a stage in child and a state in language acquisition, during which an infant appears to be experimenting with uttering sounds of language, but not yet producing any recognizable words. ...
  6. (The Jabbers) The Jabbers are an American punk rock band. Once fronted by a young GG Allin at the beginning of his career in the late-'70s to mid-'80s, many of his most well known songs were recorded with this band, such as "Assface", "Don't Talk to Me" and "Bored to Death".
  7. Rapid or incoherent talk, with indistinct utterance; gibberish; To talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly; to utter gibberish or nonsense; To utter rapidly or indistinctly; to gabble
  8. (jabbering) Speech that jabbers; gibberish
  9. Term used with Ethernet to describe the act of continuously sending data. A jabbering station is one whose circuitry or logic has failed, and which has locked up a network channel with its incessant transmission.
  10. a protocol that the laptop uses for collaboration
  11. This occurs when there are excessively long data packets being transmitted from the node (i.e., workstation, server). At that point, the hub, or concentrator, partitions (isolates) the node from the network until the condition is corrected.
  12. An IM application designed to allow users to communicate with other users who do not use the same IM client.
  13. In a malfunctioning station, to send incessant transmissions of random data that can lock up the network.
  14. This error is caused by a constant transmission from a network interface card (NIC). It violates the CSMA/CD rules, hence it cause high utilisation. Cause by faulty NIC or transceiver with transmitting frames greater than 1518 with bad CRF/FCS.
  15. (1) an error in which a faulty device (usually a NIC ) continuously transmits corrupted or meaningless data onto a network. This may halt the entire network from transmitting data beacuse other devices will perceive the network as busy.
  16. Jabber is a chatsystem. In many ways it resembles email. It's not intended for letters, but for chatting. Jabber is not a company and not a software program. Just like email is not a company or a software program.
  17. An error condition on an Ethernet-based network in which a defective network card or outside interference is constantly sending data, preventing the rest of the network from working.
  18. (2h)[4] crossed at knuckles are held at mouth and flutter FTs. For a QuickTime movie of this sign, see ASL browser - jabber.
  19. stream:stream[\u0009-\u000d ][ -~]*[\u0009-\u000d ]xmlns=['"]jabber
  20. In data communications, error condition that occurs when network device transmits packets larger than maximum allowable size, or will no relinquish token, etc. (depending upon media access method being used).
  21. Jabber is an open-source protocol that can be used for instant messenging. For more information on how Jabber's role in phpBB, see Section, “Jabber settings”.