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iterate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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iterating, present participle; iterated, past tense; iterates, 3rd person singular present; iterated, past participle;
  1. Perform or utter repeatedly

  2. Make repeated use of a mathematical or computational procedure, applying it each time to the result of the previous application; perform iteration

  1. A quantity arrived at by iteration

  1. repeat: to say, state, or perform again; "She kept reiterating her request"
  2. run or be performed again; "the function iterates"
  3. (iteration) (computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated; "the solution took hundreds of iterations"
  4. (iteration) doing or saying again; a repeated performance
  5. Iteration means the act of repeating a process usually with the aim of approaching a desired goal or target or result. Each repetition of the process is also called an "iteration", and the results of one iteration are used as the starting point for the next iteration.
  6. ITerating is a Wiki-based software guide, where users can find, compare and give reviews to software products. ...
  7. a function that iterates; to perform or repeat an action on each item in a set or on the results of each such prior action
  8. (iteration) Recital or performance a second time; repetition; the use of repetition in a computer program, especially in the form of a loop; a single repetition of the code within such a repetitive process; A variation of a design
  9. (Iteration) The use of a component more than once with varying operations.
  10. (iteration) Repeating a set of rules or steps over and over. One step is called an iterate.
  11. (iteration) Doing something repeatedly.
  12. (iteration) carrying out some operation repeatedly, eg using a loop.
  13. (Iteration) a development cycle that finishes when all the iteration goals have been met and a new version of the product is deployed.
  14. (iteration) Repetition of a sequence of steps until a condition is satisfied or while a condition is satisfied.
  15. (Iteration) XP teams work to the regular milestones that occur at the end of every iteration. An iterations usually lasts two or three weeks and starts with a planning meeting. The customer selects a number of stories for each iteration according to Yesterday's Weather.
  16. (iteration) A single trip through a loop body. When the loop is obeyed, it will usually go through several iterations.
  17. (Iteration) A method of solving a problem by repeating the same procedure to find a more exact solution.
  18. (Iteration) A repeating process in which the output of the current cycle becomes input to the next cycle.
  19. (Iteration) A short, fixed time period (typically between 1 and 4 week) during which the team produce a potentially deployable release of software for evaluation. Scrum calls them Sprints.
  20. (Iteration) A term that programmers like to use, which simply means repetition.
  21. (Iteration) In design, and particularly in complex design, success is likely to arrive in stages, via a series of experiments or iterations. ...
  22. (Iteration) Indicates the number of times or degree to which a task or task group should be repeated, in order to either increase the quality of the task/group deliverables to a desired level, to add sufficient level of detail, or to refine and expand them on the basis of user feedback. ...
  23. (Iteration) It XP equivalent of Sprint from SCRUM methodology. Period of XP projects to be planned and estimated during XP Planning Game. Normally varies from 2 till 4 weeks.
  24. (Iteration) Microcosm of a traditional Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC,) each of which produces working software. Iterations can be as large as 3 months but are more typically between 1 to 4 weeks. See sprint.
  25. (Iteration) Quick, brief repetitions of a sound. Example: p-p-p-pot