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itemize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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itemized, past tense; itemized, past participle; itemised, past tense; itemises, 3rd person singular present; itemizing, present participle; itemising, present participle; itemizes, 3rd person singular present; itemised, past participle;
  1. Present as a list of individual items
    • - I have itemized the morning's tasks
  2. Break down (a whole) into its constituent parts
    • - an itemized bill
  3. Specify (an individual item or items)

  1. enumerate: specify individually; "She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered"; "The doctor recited the list of possible side effects of the drug"
  2. place on a list of items; "itemize one's tax deductions"
  3. An itemized deduction is an eligible expense that individual taxpayers in the United States can report on their federal income tax returns in order to decrease their taxable income.
  4. To state in items, or by particulars; as, to itemize the cost of a railroad
  5. (itemizable) Capable of being itemized
  6. (Itemizing) The process of adding up all your deductions on your tax return in case they add up to more than the standard deduction. It's definitely worth itemizing to see whether you could lower your tax bill.
  7. To individually state each item or article.
  8. n. (deductions or expenses) detallar