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isle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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isles, plural;
  1. An island or peninsula, esp. a small one
    • - Crusoe's fabled isle
    • - the British Isles

  1. a small island
  2. The Isle (Eila) is a 255 km long river in south-western France, right tributary of the Dordogne. Its source is in the north-western Massif Central, near the town Nexon (south of Limoges). ...
  3. The Isle is a 2000 South Korean film written and directed by Kim Ki-duk. The film was the fifth film made by Kim, and the first to receive wider international acclaim for his recognizable style. ...
  4. (The Isles) The designation Lord of the Isles (Triath nan Eilean or Rí Innse Gall) is a Scottish title of nobility with historical roots that go back beyond the Kingdom of Scotland. ...
  5. (220) The Isles was a separate lordship, nominally independent of the King of Scotland, at least in part until 1493. Rob is from Tiree and would pay heed to the MacDonald, not to the King of Scotland. Scotland itself became part of the United Kingdom by the Act of Union in 1707.
  6. (Isles) (O.F. n.) isles, British Isles
  7. (Isles) what the LGBT community generally referrers to as a "Lipstick Lesbian"
  8. any island, especially when small.