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invoke 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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invoked, past participle; invoked, past tense; invoking, present participle; invokes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument
    • - the antiquated defense of insanity is rarely invoked today
  2. Call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration

  3. Call earnestly for
    • - she invoked his help against this attack
  4. Summon (a spirit) by charms or incantation

  5. Give rise to; evoke
    • - how could she explain how the accident happened without invoking his wrath?
  6. Cause (a procedure) to be carried out

  1. raise: summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"
  2. cite as an authority; resort to; "He invoked the law that would save him"; "I appealed to the law of 1900"; "She invoked an ancient law"
  3. appeal: request earnestly (something from somebody); ask for aid or protection; "appeal to somebody for help"; "Invoke God in times of trouble"
  4. An invocation (from the Latin verb invocare "to call on, invoke") may take the form of: *Supplication or prayer. *A form of possession. *Command or conjuration. *Self-identification with certain spirits.
  5. To call upon (a person, especially a god) for help, assistance or guidance; To appeal for validation to a (notably cited) authority; To conjure up with incantations; To bring about as an inevitable consequence; To solicit, petition for, appeal to a favorable attitude; (computing) To cause ...
  6. Send a message to an object. Object COBOL defines a new verb, INVOKE, to enable you to send messages.
  7. v.  use (sth) as a reason for one's action
  8. (v.) to call a subroutine by a CALL statement or by a defined assignment statement. To call a function by a reference to it by name or operator during the evaluation of an expression.
  9. To ask a procedure to do its work and come up with a return value. For example, "Invoke the + procedure," or "Invoke the + procedure with the arguments 3 and 4."
  10. v. To call a spirit or Deity into the Circle.
  11. You can invoke a method, function, or closure on arguments, meaning its body will be executed with the specified arguments.
  12. to cause a procedure to be executed and applied to a given problem or data.
  13. To start a command, procedure, or program.
  14. To call upon; used especially with reference to subprograms. For example, to invoke a function is to execute the function.
  15. Request the attention or presence of forces or beings on a high level of existence than our own
  16. To invoke something is to bring that something to being inside ourselves. To invoke a deity to to ask that deity to manifest within us and within our lives, as reflected by ourselves. It is literally to bring something from outside ourselves within, to invite it in.
  17. To open the door of the mind in order to allow awareness and/or psychic energy inside.  Invoking may then become a form of spiritual possession once the medium has allowed the spirit in.
  18. (v) : request earnestly, to address in prayer
  19. To call energies into oneself from outside, as in calling a Goddess or drawing down the Moon.
  20. To bring an unseen energy into the working circle area.
  21. To call upon a higher power