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invigorate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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invigorated, past participle; invigorates, 3rd person singular present; invigorating, present participle; invigorated, past tense;
  1. Give strength or energy to
    • - the shower had invigorated her

  1. inspire: heighten or intensify; "These paintings exalt the imagination"
  2. quicken: give life or energy to; "The cold water invigorated him"
  3. enliven: make lively; "let's liven up this room a bit"
  4. impart vigor, strength, or vitality to; "Exercise is invigorating"
  5. (invigorated) fresh: with restored energy
  6. (invigoration) animation: quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous
  7. (invigoration) vivification: the activity of giving vitality and vigour to something
  8. One Word Extinguisher is the second album by Scott Herren released under the Prefuse 73 moniker. It was released on May 6, 2003 on Warp Records to very favorable reviews. The last two tracks on this album are unlisted and untitled on the CD and are not on the vinyl edition. ...
  9. To impart vigor, strength, or vitality to; To heighten or intensify; To give life or energy to; To make lively
  10. (invigoration) The act of invigorating or the state of being invigorated