- rise and fall of the voice pitch
- singing by a soloist of the opening piece of plainsong
- the act of singing in a monotonous tone
- the production of musical tones (by voice or instrument); especially the exactitude of the pitch relations
- In linguistics, intonation is variation of pitch while speaking which is not used to distinguish words. (Compare tone.) Intonation and stress are two main elements of linguistic prosody.
- Intonation, in music, is a musician's realization of pitch accuracy, or the pitch accuracy of a musical instrument. Intonation may be flat, sharp, or both, successively or simultaneously.
- The act of sounding the tones of the musical scale; Singing or playing in good tune or otherwise; Reciting in a musical prolonged tone; intonating or singing of the opening phrase of a plain-chant, psalm, or canticle by a single voice, as of a priest
- Intonation refers to changes in the tone or frequency of sounds during speech. For example, in English the tone usually falls at the end of a statement and rises at the end of a question, so that You want some coffee. and You want some coffee? can be distinguished by tone alone. ...
- singing through one's nose. Considered highly desirable in the Middle Ages.
- the degree to which the pitch of a note heard is what is correct but not to the degree that the note heard is the wrong note
- Change in pitch of a sentence, up and down.
- The pitch of the voice in speaking. Variations in intonation convey information (e.g., a rising pitch at the end of a sentence indicates a question). Intonation is an important component of pronunciation. (See also Stress.)
- Refers to the guitars ability to play in tune at various positions along the neck. Often adjusted by adjusting the bridge saddle.
- as a general music term, this refers to the ability to play or sing on pitch; for our purposes as guitar makers, intonation refers to how a given instrument plays in tune with itself; a guitar string should produce the same note played as a harmonic at the 12th fret as it does when you fret that ...
- the use of pitch in speech to create contrast and variation
- Refers to pitch. If he or she has “insecure intonation,” they sing either flat or sharp.
- Systematic use of different pitches, stresses and junctures like “help?”and “help!”
- The musical sense of "pitch" -how high or low the note sounds. Sometimes called "playing in tune"
- the pattern or melody of pitch changes in speech, especially the pitch pattern of a sentence which distinguishes kinds of sentences.
- The upwards and downwards pattern of the voice rising and falling.
- An instruments ability to play in tune at various positions through out the neck. Instruments are built to a particular scale length which dictates at what intervals the frets must be placed and where the saddle is to sit in order for correct note pitch.
- Accuracy of pitch in playing or singing – not sharp (too high) or flat (too low). A singer with good intonation sings “in tune”.
- The sequence of pitches that produces the 'tone' of an utterance and plays an important part in conveying the meaning. The intonational tone of a question, for example, usually features a rising pitch at the end.
- The way the level of a speaker’s voice changes, often to show how they feel about something, e.g. if they are angry or pleased. Intonation can be rising or falling or both.
- The degree to which pitch is accurately produced in performance, particularly among the players in an ensemble.