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interweave 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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interweaving, present participle; interwove, past tense; interwoven, past participle; interweaves, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Weave or become woven together
    • - the rugs are made by tightly interweaving the warp and weft strands
    • - the branches met and interwove above his head
  2. Blend closely
    • - Wordsworth's political ideas are often interwoven with his philosophical and religious beliefs

  1. weave: interlace by or as if by weaving
  2. To combine two things through weaving
  3. An organization for LGBT UUs and their allies working for justice and to counteract oppression based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Some congregations have Interweave chapters.