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intersperse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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intersperses, 3rd person singular present; interspersed, past participle; interspersing, present participle; interspersed, past tense;
  1. Scatter among or between other things; place here and there
    • - interspersed between tragic stories are a few songs supplying comic relief
  2. Diversify (a thing or things) with other things at intervals
    • - a patchwork of open fields interspersed with copses of pine

  1. place at intervals in or among; "intersperse exclamation marks in the text"
  2. introduce one's writing or speech with certain expressions
  3. To mix irregularly something with something else
  4. (Interspersion) the level of spatial intermingling that takes place within a community or between patches of the same type
  5. Scatter, or randomly distribute among other things.
  6. (v) : to scatter here and there