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interlink 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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interlinking, present participle; interlinked, past participle; interlinks, 3rd person singular present; interlinked, past tense;
  1. Join or connect (two or more things) together
    • - agreement has been reached to interlink the airport's two baggage systems

  1. complect: be interwoven or interconnected; "The bones are interconnected via the muscle"
  2. (interlinking) interlacing: linked or locked closely together as by dovetailing
  3. Interlink is the EFTPOS division of VISA, operating mainly in the United States. Contrary to a regular VISA check card purchase, an Interlink transaction is authenticated using a personal identification number and offers the possibility of obtaining cash back (purchase + withdrawal) from a merchant.
  4. A link of this kind; To link together; To link (two or more things) together
  5. A national debit network owned by VISA International.