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interleave 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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interleaved, past tense; interleaved, past participle; interleaves, 3rd person singular present; interleaving, present participle;
  1. Insert pages, typically blank ones, between the pages of (a book)
    • - books of maps interleaved with tracing paper
  2. Place something between the layers of (something)
    • - pasta interleaved with strips of zucchini and carrot
  3. Mix (two or more digital signals) by alternating between them

  4. Divide (memory or processing power) between a number of tasks by allocating successive segments of it to each task in turn

  1. provide (books) with blank leaves
  2. intersperse the sectors on the concentric magnetic circular patterns written on a computer disk surface to guide the storing and recording of data
  3. intersperse alternately, as of protective covers for book illustrations
  4. In computer science and telecommunication, interleaving is a way to arrange data in a non-contiguous way to increase performance.
  5. To insert (pages, which are normally blank) between the pages of a book; To intersperse (something) at regular intervals between the parts of a thing; To allocate (things such as successive segments of memory) to different tasks
  6. (interleaving) The action of interleaving; data that has undergone this action
  7. (Interleaved) When blank leaves alternate with the printed leaves, a book is said to be interleaved.
  8. (Interleaves) Printed pages loosely inserted in a publication.
  9. (Interleaves) sheetlets of glassine paper placed between panes in stamp booklets.
  10. (Interleaves) Translucent tissue on sheets placed between the pages of an album to prevent rubbing. Used in albums were stamps are mounted on both sides of the page.
  11. (Interleaving) The placing of a sheet of paper between two adjacent layers of metal to facilitate handling and shearing of rectangular sheets, or to prevent sticking or scratching.
  12. (interleaving) the practice of inserting unprinted sheets of paper between printed sheets as they come off the press, to prevent the unwanted transfer of ink from printed sheet to printed sheet
  13. (Interleaving) Some alarms and security systems use the process of interleaving to add extra frames from alarmed cameras to a time multiplexed sequence while the alarm is activated.  This prioritizes the view from alarmed cameras in the sequence of camera views.
  14. (Interleaving) Techniques for increasing memory speed. For example, with separate memory banks for odd and even addresses, the next byte of memory can be accessed while the current byte refreshes.
  15. (Interleaving) The insertion of sheets of one kind of paper between sheets of another kind of paper or material.
  16. (INTERLEAVING) Insetting into and folding around the sections of a book, paper different from that used in the general body of the book, such as writing paper. Also the alternating of processed and plain sheets, for example, in a duplicate book.
  17. (Interleaving) "The merging of two or more distinct plans within some contiguous textual area of a program." [icsm95]
  18. (Interleaving) A method of winding where the primary and secondary are wound in sections with a section of the primary between two sections of the secondary and vice versa. This technique is used to reduce the leakage reactance of the transformer when desirable to do so. ...
  19. (Interleaving) A process of scrambling the order of symbols to be transmitted over a channel in such a way that, when they are descrambled (at the receiver), any burst of channel errors will be spread out in time and thus appear as random errors to the decoder.
  20. (Interleaving) A process that allows separate channels for data, audio, and video files to be played back simultaneously on a compact disc. Interleaving also allows the reader to choose from one of several audio channels while a video channel is playing. ...
  21. (Interleaving) A technique for handling burst errors in the transmission path. In order to prevent the loss of data through burst errors, with this method data streams containing error correction functions are dispersed, so that even if burst errors occur, the error correction function can be ...
  22. (Interleaving) It is likely that information in Wrappers, particularly Essence Components, must be interleaved in various ways for optimization of storage, retrieval , presentation, and transmission. ...
  23. (Interleaving) The placement of absorbent material between leaves to hasten drying. Interleaving sheets should be clean and dry, unprinted, and, ideally, acid-free. ...
  24. (Interleaving) The practice of assigning an employee multiple tasks which are performed concurrently.
  25. (Interleaving) is the act of placing barrier sheets of acid-free or buffered paper between leaves or documents to prevent the transfer of media, acids, or damaging gases from one material to another.