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interlace 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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interlaced, past participle; interlaces, 3rd person singular present; interlacing, present participle; interlaced, past tense;
  1. Bind intricately together; interweave
    • - the trees interlaced their branches so that only tiny patches of sky were visible
  2. Mingle or intersperse something with
    • - buttercups interlacing their gold with the silver of the daisies
    • - discussion interlaced with esoteric mathematics
  3. (of two or more things) Cross each other intricately
    • - interlacing bundles of smooth muscle fibers
  4. Scan (a video image) in such a way that alternate lines form one sequence that is followed by the other lines in a second sequence
    • - interlaced displays

  1. intertwine: spin,wind, or twist together; "intertwine the ribbons"; "Twine the threads into a rope"; "intertwined hearts"
  2. lock: hold in a locking position; "He locked his hands around her neck"
  3. (interlaced) fretted: having a pattern of fretwork or latticework
  4. (interlacing) linked or locked closely together as by dovetailing
  5. Interlace is a technique of improving the picture quality of a video signal without consuming extra bandwidth. Interlaced video was designed for display on CRT televisions.
  6. In the visual arts, interlace is a decorative element found in medieval art. In interlace, bands or portions of other motifs are looped, braided, and knotted in complex geometric patterns, often to fill a space. ...
  7. Interlacing is a method of encoding a bitmap image such that a person who has partially received it sees a degraded copy of the entire image. ...
  8. (Interlaced) Every other line is scanned during each total vertical (full) screen refresh.
  9. (Interlaced) A system which skips every other line of a picture on the first pass, then fills in those lines on the second pass. When talking about resolution, this method is indicated by an "i" after the number of lines, as in "480i" or "1080i".
  10. (Interlaced) Used to describe an image sensor that gathers data by first processing the odd lines, and then the even lines.
  11. (Interlaced) The same as INTERFRETTED.
  12. (interlaced) the image contains visible black lines, which often cause the video to be completely unwatchable. These black lines are visible mostly during movement on the image and are caused by incorrect field order. ...
  13. (Interlaced) When an HDTV displays an interlaced image, as in 1080i or 480i resolutions, it really shows you every other horizontal line of a frame of video (Called a field) at a time. ...
  14. An interlaced display is one where each complete image shown on a monitor's display is drawn in two steps. A non-interlaced monitor refreshes the display in a single pass. A good-quality monitor is normally capable of supporting a non-interlaced display at a refresh rate of 70 Hz or more.
  15. In an interlaced video system, only half of the lines making up the frame are shot at a time. For example, the camera might capture only the odd frame lines first, then capture the even lines second. If the frame rate of an interlaced video system is 25 fps, it has 50 fields per second. ...
  16. (Interlaced (fields)) Progressive (frames)
  17. (Interlaced) A graphics formatting technique that causes an image to gradually appear on your screen instead of appearing all at once. ...
  18. (Interlaced) A method of displaying video, in which the odd and even scan lines are displayed separately. ...
  19. (Interlaced) A procedure that displays an image in coarse form first, followed by finer detail. This allows you to get an idea about an image without having to display the entire image first.
  20. (Interlaced) A sheet made by interlacing strips of leather or other material and used for making the whole or part of an upper of footwear.
  21. (Interlaced) A way of layering photos on the web so that viewers see a "lighter" version, rather than waiting for each individual photo to appear before moving on the the next photo.
  22. (Interlaced) Images that are displayed progressively as they download. Interlaced images appear to come into focus gradually in contrast to images that are not interlaced, which are drawn from top down as they download.
  23. (Interlaced) Interlacing is an old trick for redrawing a high-resolution picture without having to refresh the entire picture each cycle. In the US, our electrical grid operates at 60Hz, so that's the "clock" that many things cycle at, including the picture on your TV screen. ...
  24. (Interlaced) Refers to a technique of reducing the amount of data required by only displaying every-other-line on a display. The "i" or "p" on the end of a resolution description dicates whether it is "interlaced" or "progressive scan". ...
  25. (Interlaced) When a video signal comes one field at a time - to produce two frames "laced" together into one - it is said to be interlaced. Interlacing is used in TV video to halve the amount of bandwidth used in the video signal, while only slightly harming the viewing experience. Also see "Field".