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intent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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intents, plural;
  1. Resolved or determined to do (something)
    • - the administration was intent on achieving greater efficiency
  2. Attentively occupied with
    • - Jill was intent on her gardening magazine
  3. (esp. of a look) Showing earnest and eager attention
    • - a curiously intent look on her face
  1. Intention or purpose
    • - with alarm she realized his intent
    • - a real intent to cut back on social programs

  1. captive: giving or marked by complete attention to; "that engrossed look or rapt delight"; "then wrapped in dreams"; "so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred"- Walter de la Mare; "rapt with wonder"; "wrapped in thought"
  2. purpose: an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"
  3. the intended meaning of a communication
  4. (intently) with strained or eager attention; "listened intently"; "stood watching intently"
  5. (intentness) the quality of being intent and concentrated; "the intentness of his gaze"
  6. Tao Group was a software company headquartered in Reading, Berkshire, UK. It developed intent, a software platform. intent enabled content portability by delivering services in a platform independent format called Virtual Processor (VP). Its business was sold in May 2007.
  7. The purpose of something that is intended; The state of someone’s mind at the time of committing an offence; Firmly fixed or concentrated on something; Engrossed; Unwavering from a course of action
  8. The role of human purpose in an injury event
  9. Demonstrating a deliberate series of actions with the objective of debilitating defense or economic security by destroying or incapacitating a critical infrastructure. [CIAO] (see also critical, object, security)
  10. Motive to cause a result. Under some concepts of common law, every crime requires the element of intent, i.e., the act complained of must result from some direct motive of the accused to cause the act. ...
  11. Attention, purpose; the act of turning the mind toward an object; hence, a design; intention; meaning; drift; aim. A person's intent is not relevant in determining whether behavior may be sexual harassment - it is the impact that matters.
  12. The state of having one's mind fixed on some purpose.
  13. (n.) a property of a dummy argument that is neither a procedure nor a pointer, indicating whether it is intended to transfer data into the procedure, out of the procedure, or both.
  14. This hurdle has attracted the most media attention in 2004 and 2005, especially with respect to so-called sham marriages. The "intentionality" hurdle addresses the applicant's motivation for coming to the UK versus what they have declared on their application. ...
  15. This is a concept used to draw a moral distinction between aid-in-dying and other acts/omissions that cause death such as terminal sedation and withdrawing life-sustaining therapy. ...
  16. For nonimmigrants, every applicant for a nonimmigrant visa who wishes to enter the United States will be presumed to be an immigrant until he or she establishes to the satisfaction of a consular officer that, at the time of application, he or she is entitled to a nonimmigrant status and has a ...
  17. Desire to cause to happen. See Competent Intent.
  18. A facility to send messages between different Android components. A message is conveyed using an Intent object, which is a data structure holding a description of an operation to be performed, or of something that has happened and is being announced.
  19. The intent is a complete, concise, and clear expression of the “promise” for an initiative.
  20. The outcome or aim of a specific behaviour.
  21. Improve our ability to share knowledge by first sharing a common vocabulary that reduces ambiguities and confusion, and provides terms for use in categorization and advanced search.
  22. the subtextual objective of a character
  23. Intent is not a thought or an object or a wish.  Intent is that driving belief that allows you to achieve anything that you choose to believe in.
  24. The state of mind necessary to support a criminal proceeding against a defendant; the knowing performance of an act.