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instill 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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instilled, past participle; instills, 3rd person singular present; instilling, present participle; instils, 3rd person singular present; instilled, past tense;
  1. Gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude, esp. a desirable one) in a person's mind
    • - how do we instill a sense of rightness in today's youth?
  2. Put (a substance) into something in the form of liquid drops
    • - she was told how to instill eye drops

  1. impart gradually; "Her presence instilled faith into the children"; "transfuse love of music into the students"
  2. enter drop by drop; "instill medication into my eye"
  3. impress: produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"
  4. inculcate: teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions; "inculcate values into the young generation"
  5. impregnate: fill, as with a certain quality; "The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide"
  6. (instilling) inculcation: teaching or impressing upon the mind by frequent instruction or repetition
  7. (instillment) instillation: the introduction of a liquid (by pouring or injection) drop by drop
  8. To cause a quality to become part of someone's nature; To pour in (medicine, for example) drop by drop
  9. (Instilling) [verb – instill] gradually but firmly establish an idea or attitude [especially a desirable one] in a person’s mind (page 123)
  10. infuse, impress, inspire