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inset 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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insets, plural;
  1. Put in (something, esp. a small picture or map) as an inset
    • - type in the text to be inset
  2. Decorate with an inset
    • - tables inset with ceramic tiles
  1. A thing that is put in or inserted
    • - a pair of doors with their original stained-glass insets
  2. A small picture or map inserted within the border of a larger one

  3. A section of fabric or needlework inserted into the material of a garment
    • - elastic insets in the waistband
  4. An insert in a magazine or similar publication

  1. a small picture inserted within the bounds or a larger one
  2. set or place in
  3. insert: an artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted
  4. gusset: a piece of material used to strengthen or enlarge a garment
  5. (INSETTING) The placing of the section of a book, one inside the other.
  6. The horizontal distance from the 90 degree meridian of the distance optical center of a bifocal lens to the optical center of the segment.
  7. part of the deck that has been cut out to for landscape elements such as trees.
  8. Small image within the border of a larger map.
  9. a relationship between two panels where one is placed within the other (formerly Inclusionary)
  10. The term used when a charge or charges are set away from the edges of a flag or the panel they occupy, but not in the centre of that same flag or panel – for examples see the illustration (with an inset red chevron) below and ‘inset border’ below (also ‘centred’, ‘off-set towards’ and ‘orle’). ...
  11. The inner pages of a sheet, cut off in folding certain sizes; to be inset in the centre of the sheet.
  12. (To fix) additional matter within a book by sewing or sticking, e.g. an illustration plate within the text.
  13. A map within a map, either at a smaller scale to show relative location, or a larger scale to show detail. An inset may have its own set of cartographic elements, such as a scale and graticule.
  14. Type of door mounting where door edges are fully inside cabinet frame.
  15. Leaflet or other printed material bound in with the pages of a publication rather than inserted loose
  16. Effect where a reduced shot is placed on another shot, typically to highlight a detail of the main shot.
  17. This doesn't have a proper name either, so The Beech Road Inset is what I have christened the small area of housing on Beech Road on the short road set back from the main street, lying on the odd-side near the Chester Road junction.
  18. The door sits inside of the frame, revealing the entire frame. This construction must include a 1/8” gap between the door and the frame.
  19. Regarding Wire Doors: The wire door sets or rests inside the cabinet opening with the vertical wire members flush with the side panels. See Flush.
  20. type of sink that sits on top of the countertop
  21. In-service education and training
  22. How far the reading area of a lens is moved inward nasally to match patient convergence it is equal to the far pupillary distance – the near pupillary distance.