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inseminate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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inseminates, 3rd person singular present; inseminated, past tense; inseminated, past participle; inseminating, present participle;
  1. Introduce semen into (a woman or a female animal) by natural or artificial means

  1. place seeds in or on (the ground); "sow the ground with sunflower seeds"
  2. introduce semen into (a female)
  3. (insemination) the act of sowing (of seeds in the ground or, figuratively, of germs in the body or ideas in the mind, etc.)
  4. (insemination) the introduction of semen into the genital tract of a female
  5. To sow (to disperse or plant seeds); To impregnate (to cause to become pregnant)
  6. (insemination) A sowing of seed; the act of inseminating; The act of impregnating (making pregnant) someone or thing
  7. (Insemination) The placement of semen into a woman's uterus, cervix, or vagina.
  8. (insemination) Deposition of semen in the female reproductive tract.
  9. (Insemination (IUI)) The procedure where either a prepped sample of the husband’s sperm (or donor sperm if indicated) is introduced into the woman's uterus at the time of ovulation.
  10. (INSEMINATION) A shortened term to refer to intrauterine insemination.
  11. (Insemination) Injection of sperm into the uterus (intrauterine) or cervix (intracervical) for the purpose of producing a pregnancy.
  12. (Insemination) The bringing together of sperm and egg.
  13. (Insemination) To artificially fertilise a female.