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innovate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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innovated, past participle; innovates, 3rd person singular present; innovating, present participle; innovated, past tense;
  1. Make changes in something established, esp. by introducing new methods, ideas, or products
    • - the company's failure to diversify and innovate competitively
  2. Introduce (something new, esp. a product)
    • - innovating new products, developing existing ones

  1. introduce: bring something new to an environment; "A new word processor was introduced"
  2. (innovation) invention: a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation
  3. (innovation) invention: the creation of something in the mind
  4. Innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries. It may refer to an incremental emergent or radical and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. ...
  5. (Innovation (magazine)) Innovation is a subscription-based magazine, compiling recent developments in the area of research in Singapore and globally. The format and style is designed to be accessible to an "educated layperson" , and also includes relevant fields such as patenting . ...
  6. (Innovation (signal processing)) In time series analysis (or forecasting) — as conducted in statistics, signal processing, and many other fields — the innovation is the difference between the observed value of a variable at time t and the optimal forecast of that value based on information ...
  7. (Innovations (album)) Innovations is the title of a studio album released by Puerto Rican salsa-group El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico on 1984. The album holds the distinction of being the first number-one set on the Billboard Tropical Albums.
  8. (Innovations (journal)) Innovations is an academic journal that focuses on entrepreneurial solutions to global challenges. It is published on a quarterly basis by the MIT Press.
  9. (Innovation) the introduction of a product which is new to both the company and its customers; a new-to-the-world product. See Product Extension; New Product Duplication.
  10. Diffusion of innovation
  11. Technological innovation implies the creation, development, use and diffusion of a new product, process or service and the significant technological changes of the product.
  12. (Innovation) is something new or improved, having marketable potential including: (1) Development of new technologies; (2) Refinement of existing technologies;or (3) Development of new applications for existing technologies.
  13. (INNOVATION) Introduction of a new idea into the marketplace in the form of a new product or service or an improvement in organization or process.
  14. (innovation) new or improved ideas, products, services, processes
  15. (INNOVATION) Curiosity, Futuristic, Imagination, Improvement, Insight.
  16. (INNOVATION) The creation or invention of ideas, goods or services that are novel and intended to be useful; intended to create some product that has commercial application and/or appeal to a customer, consumer or audience; the process of generating and applying creative ideas.
  17. (Innovation) A confusing term, because innovation surveys use various definitions, as explained in the OECD's Oslo Manual (90-page PDF). ...
  18. (Innovation) A new move in an established position or opening.
  19. (Innovation) A process or outcome that must meet two criteria. The first criterion is novelty: Although innovations need not necessarily be original, they must be new to the user, context, or application. The second criterion is improvement.
  20. (Innovation) A study of inventions and advancements, the effects of advancement—positive and negative, and the impact of innovation on the world (past and present)
  21. (Innovation) An approach that fundamentally disrupts the status quo to solve social and/or environmental problems.
  22. (Innovation) An intentional change to a chain letter. May be a modification, addition or deletion. Often one judged to have a significant positive effect on propagation.
  23. (Innovation) At eWeb Technology Concepts company we help our customers to create innovative software products. ...
  24. (Innovation) Clearwater has developed the methods, structure and service that makes their competitors green with envy.
  25. (Innovation) Providers must be creative to manage new situations