- arising from inductance; "inductive reactance"
- of reasoning; proceeding from particular facts to a general conclusion; "inductive reasoning"
- inducing or influencing; leading on; "inductive to the sin of Eve"- John Milton
- (inductivity) A measure of the capacity for magnetic inductance; The susceptibility to a process of induction (various senses)
- Of an argument in which the logical connection between premisses and conclusion is claimed to be one of probability.
- characterized by studying particular cases (factors, evidences) one by one in order to arrive at a generalization
- The form of reasoning in which specific observations and patterns in the study findings are used to formulate a theory about the larger topic or population of interest.
- Drawing a general conclusion (abstract) from specific facts. Chunking up.
- Unlike deductive arguments, inductive ones promise only probability, not certainty. Thus, if one argues that having watched several different newscasts in several different cities on many different nights one may infer that newscasts emphasize, in Bob Inman's phrase, "mayhem and misery", then ...
- A property in which energy can be transferred from one device to another via the magnetic field generated by the device, even though no direct electrical connection is established between the two.
- Reasion from specifics to general principles. This method of reasoning was favored by Francis Bacon.
- Beginning with specific observations and measurable criteria, inductive reasoning detects patterns and make some sort of hypotheses and finally, one or more theories. Called "Bottom Up", it works from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories.
- (adj): leading in, producing, or bringing about. In reasoning, this is the opposite of deductive. Therefore, a process whereby the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the known facts. The grammar was taught inductively, by volume of readings and examples rather than by strict rules.
- An argument is inductive if and only if its premises are intended to lead to its conclusion with high probability.
- We cannot appeal, either, to our past successes in using inductive inference, to the fact that it has worked in the past, for this would be circular reasoning.
- A joystick used on power wheelchairs