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incubate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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incubated, past tense; incubated, past participle; incubates, 3rd person singular present; incubating, present participle;
  1. (of a bird) Sit on (eggs) in order to keep them warm and bring them to hatching

  2. (esp. in a laboratory) Keep (eggs, cells, bacteria, embryos, etc.) at a suitable temperature so that they develop
    • - the samples were incubated at 80°C for three minutes
  3. Have an infectious disease developing inside one before symptoms appear
    • - the possibility that she was incubating early syphilis
  4. Develop slowly without outward or perceptible signs
    • - unfortunately the BSE bug incubates for around three years

  1. grow under conditions that promote development
  2. brood: sit on (eggs); "Birds brood"; "The female covers the eggs"
  3. Incubation is the process by which birds hatch their eggs, and to the development of the embryo within the egg. The most vital factor of incubation is the constant temperature required for its development over a specific period. ...
  4. Incubate is a multidisciplinary arts festival in Tilburg, the Netherlands. On June 16th, the festival changed it name into Incubate after a request by the Austin, US based festival SXSW to change its name. Between 2005 and 2008 the same festival was called ZXZW.
  5. To brood, raise, or maintain eggs, organisms, or living tissue through the provision of ideal environmental conditions; To incubate metaphorically; to ponder an idea slowly and deliberately as if in preparation for hatching it
  6. When a bird sits on its eggs to keep them warm as baby birds grow inside. Sometimes the male or female, or both, incubate the eggs. Incubation usually lasts for a week or more. Turltles and snakes will often bury their eggs to incubate underground by themselves.
  7. to keep eggs, organisms, or living tissue at ideal environmental conditions (such as the ideal heat level) for growth and development to occur. In birds, it involves sitting on eggs. For humans, medical technology has expanded to include things like stem cells.
  8. To sit on eggs, keeping them warm through the transfer of body heat. In Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, only the female incubates.
  9. The process of keeping eggs warm in order to hatch them.
  10. To keep animal eggs warm until they are ready the hatch as in birds and reptiles.
  11. In context here, to allow a starter to sit in conditions which favor the growth of its microorganisms.
  12. to sit on (eggs) so as to hatch by the warmth of the body; also to maintain under conditions favorable for hatching & development.
  13. To go through the process of incubation
  14. In order to promote a particular reaction in a biochemical system, such as accelerated growth of microorgamnisms, specific temperature and humidty conditions need to be maintained.
  15. to sit on an egg and keep it at a constant temperature (During hot days this means shading it to keep it cool. During cool nights it means keeping it warm.)
  16. To keep eggs warm so that embryos develop and hatch. The adult peregrines incubate the eggs by sitting on them. They also turn the eggs with their beaks from time to time. Incubation extends for 33 days.