- involuntary urination or defecation
- dissoluteness: indiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures
- Incontinence ("a want of continence or self-restraint") is often used by philosophers to translate the Greek term Akrasia (ἀκρασία). Often used to refer to a lacking in moderation or self-control, especially related to sexual desire. This concept is also called wantonness.
- (Incontinent (album)) Incontinent is the second album by Frank Tovey, better known as Fad Gadget, released in 1981. ...
- Lack of self-restraint, an inability to control oneself; unchastity; The inability of any of the physical organs to restrain discharges of their contents; involuntary discharge or evacuation (of urine or feces)
- (Incontinent) Inability to control bowel and bladder functions. Many people who are incontinent can become continent with training.
- (INCONTINENT) [1 Cor 7: 5; 2 Ti 3: 3] not restraining the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging lust without restraint or in violation of law; unchaste, lewd.
- (Incontinent) faces the same moral conflict, but usually chooses the vicious ("full of vice") thing
- (Incontinent) passing of urine or feces at unwanted or unexpected times
- (Incontinent) unable to hold urine properly. Dribbling urine, leaving pools of urine while sleeping.
- (incontinent) adjective, Unable to control the passage of urine and/or feces.
- Incontinent usually means that people have lost control over their bladder. People can urinate or “dribble” urine while not using the toilet. Some people can lose control of their bowels (fecal incontinence).
- Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. Babies are incontinent until their nervous systems mature and they learn to control their urine flow. Incontinence can occur to males and females, old and young. It can be mild or severe. It usually can be treated
- involuntary voiding of the bladder or bowel.
- Loss of bladder or bowel control.
- Inability to control the flow of urine from the bladder (urinary incontinence) or the escape of stool from the rectum (fecal incontinence).
- The inability to control urine or bowel movements.
- The involuntary release of urine or stool.
- (in-KAHN-ti-nuhnts) — When you can’t control when you urinate.
- Involuntary loss of urine or faeces which may result in problems with hygiene or with participation in everyday life.
- loss of urinary control.
- the inability to control one's urine excretion or bowel movements. Sometimes the condition is chronic (persistent and long-lasting), while other times it is the result of another factor and will clear. ...
- involuntary passing of urine. There are many causes but changes in the tissues of the bladder and urethra with aging and traumatic vaginal deliveries can be contributory factors. Exercise of the pelvic muscles with the Kegel exercises is helpful in preventing and treating incontinence. ...
- in modern terms it denotes lack of control of bodily functions, but in medieval times, it included lack of self-restraint, especially with regard to sexual activity or apetite
- the inability of the body to control the evacuative functions of the bladder or rectum.