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inconsistent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Not staying the same throughout; having self-contradictory elements,
  1. Not staying the same throughout; having self-contradictory elements
    • - police interpretation of the law was often inconsistent
  2. Acting at variance with one's own principles or former conduct
    • - parents can become inconsistent and lacking in control over their children
  3. Not compatible or in keeping with
    • - he had done nothing inconsistent with his morality
  4. Erratic in behavior or action
    • - we're too inconsistent to win the league

  1. displaying a lack of consistency; "inconsistent statements cannot both be true at the same time"; "inconsistent with the roadmap"
  2. not capable of being made consistent or harmonious; "inconsistent accounts"
  3. discrepant: not in agreement
  4. In logic, a consistent theory is one that does not contain a contradiction. The lack of contradiction can be defined in either semantic or syntactic terms. ...
  5. (20. Inconsistencies) In the event of any inconsistencies or conflicts between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of any schedules or other documents attached to or relating to this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will prevail, unless otherwise expressly stated and agreed to in a ...
  6. Some inconsistencies may occur in registration and ink coverage. Nouveau Ink will not be responsible for these inconsistencies when printing across seams and on zippered garments.
  7. ((inconsistency)) divergence f ( between entre).
  8. (INCONSISTENCY) Something that contradicts something else or that is not in keeping with it Not regular or predictable
  9. (Inconsistency) All of the above, while listed as fallacies on the Evowiki page, are applied against creationists on the self-same page.
  10. (Inconsistency) In moral matters, the treatment of some people differently from others for no relevant reason, or the belief that one action or situation is morally permissible while a similar one is not.
  11. (Inconsistency) Misspellings, different punctuations, capitalization, variations in spelling all show up as different tags and cannot be used for filtering and navigation
  12. (Inconsistency) Paraphrased from \cite{SpanoudakisZisman2001}, an inconsistency is a situation in which two or more overlapping elements of one or different software artefacts make assertions about aspects of the system they describe that are not jointly satisfiable.
  13. (Inconsistency) When two statements or conditions are logically or empirically incompatible or contradictory.
  14. (inconsistency (form of ad hominem)) A pattern of fallacious reasoning of the sort, "I reject your claim because you act inconsistently with it yourself," or "You can't make that claim now because you have in the past rejected it."
  15. of a logical formula, false under every interpretation.
  16. The increase in probability of success is sometimes higher or lower or equal for successive point expenditures.
  17. Reciprocally contradictory or repugnant.
  18. A surf condition in which waves don’t cooperate.
  19. hılı-muştu, nizamsız, tizginsiz
  20. Acting at variance with professed principles – Lacking in harmony between the different parts or elements.
  21. In a Metro or Global Mirror relationship, pertaining to a secondary virtual disk (VDisk) that is being synchronized with the primary VDisk.
  22. The term used when the information on a food label is not in line with the new Code labelling requirements for that label element, label element section or sub-section.