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inclusion 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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inclusions, plural;
  1. The action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure
    • - federal legislation now mandates the inclusion of students who are English language learners
  2. A person or thing that is included within a larger group or structure
    • - the exhibition features such inclusions as the study of the little girl
  3. A body or particle recognizably distinct from the substance in which it is embedded

  1. the state of being included
  2. the relation of comprising something; "he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work"
  3. inclusion body: any small intracellular body found within another (characteristic of certain diseases); "an inclusion in the cytoplasm of the cell"
  4. the act of including
  5. (included) enclosed in the same envelope or package; "the included check"
  6. A casting defect is an irregularity in the metal casting process that is undesired. Some defects can be tolerated while others can be repaired otherwise they must be eliminated. ...
  7. Inclusion is a term used by people with disabilities and other disability rights advocates for the idea that all people should freely, openly and without pity accommodate any person with a disability without restrictions or limitations of any kind. ...
  8. Inclusion in the context of education has two common meanings.
  9. In logic and mathematics inclusion is the concept that all the contents of one object are also contained within a second object. ...
  10. In mathematics, if is a subset of , then the inclusion map (also inclusion function, or canonical injection) is the function that sends each element, of to , treated as an element of : A "hooked arrow" is sometimes used in place of the function arrow above to denote an inclusion map.
  11. In mineralogy, an inclusion is any material that is trapped inside a mineral during its formation.
  12. (including) Such as, among which; introducing one or more parts of the group or topic just mentioned. (rare, perhaps nonstandard) Introducing a finite clause
  13. (Inclusions) Particles of slag, refractory materials, sand or deoxidation products trapped in the casting during pouring solidification.
  14. (INCLUSIONS) Particles of impurities (usually oxides, sulfides. silicates, etc.) that are held mechanically or are formed during the solidifica­tion or by subsequent reaction within the solid metal.
  15. (Inclusions) Items included with the property e.g. light fittings.
  16. (inclusions) Particles of foreign material in a metallic matrix. The particles are usually compounds (such as oxides, sulfides or silicates), but may be of any substance that is foreign to (and essentially insoluble in) the matrix.
  17. Inclusions are objects fused between glass layers.
  18. (Inclusions) Most gems contain tiny natural features called inclusions. While inclusions by definition are internal flaws in a gemstone, they often add character and individuality. ...
  19. (Inclusions) Non metallic particles, such as oxides, sulphides or silicates that are held within solid metal.
  20. (Inclusions) (glass) Particles of metal or bubbles which either occur naturally within glass or are added for decorative effect.
  21. (Inclusions) Foreign matter that is "included" within a stone. This may be a foreign body such as a crystal, a gas bubble or a pocket of liquid. ...
  22. (INCLUSIONS) Any particles or bubbles of material which remain suspended within the glaze-melt, affecting the glaze appearance.
  23. (Inclusions) A casting defect consisting of particles of a foreign material found in the base metal.
  24. (Inclusions) A gaseous liquid or solid foreign body enclosed in a mass; as in air bubbles or dust in wax patterns or foreign particles in castings.
  25. (Inclusions) A visible internal flaw, usually taking the form of cracks, tiny pockets of gas or liquid, or foreign bodies.