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incise 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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incises, 3rd person singular present; incised, past tense; incised, past participle; incising, present participle;
  1. Mark or decorate (an object or surface) with a cut or a series of cuts
    • - a button incised with a skull
  2. Cut (a mark or decoration) into a surface
    • - figures incised on upright stones
  3. Cut (skin or flesh) with a surgical instrument
    • - the wound was incised and drained

  1. make an incision into by carving or cutting
  2. (incised) sharply and deeply indented
  3. (incised) cut into with a sharp instrument
  4. (incised) engraved: cut or impressed into a surface; "an incised design"; "engraved invitations"
  5. Cutting is the separation of a physical object, or a portion of a physical object, into two portions, through the application of an acutely directed force. An implement commonly used for cutting is the knife or in medical cases the scalpel. ...
  6. Incised means cut, particularly with a "V" shape. It is a term found in a number of disciplines.
  7. (Incises (Boulez)) Incises (1994/2001) and Sur Incises (1996/1998) are two related works of the French composer Pierre Boulez.
  8. (Incised) Sharply and irregularly slashed or cut
  9. (incised) Decorated by cutting into or indenting the surface of a material. Incised letters are carved or engraved into surface of stone, wood, plastic, or sandblasted into glass or stone.
  10. (INCISED) A decoration found on pottery consisting of lines drawn into wet clay. When fired, the arrangement of lines leaves a permanent design on the vessel surface.
  11. (Incised) (in-SYSD) -- Having a deep, usually irregular cut.
  12. (Incised) Cut by sharp and irregular incisions more or less deeply, but intermediate between toothed and lobed.
  13. (Incised) Cut open carefully with a very sharp knife usually scalpel.
  14. (Incised) Sharply impressed into the body, as a trademark or form number on the base of a stein. Base markings were normally applied by impressing a metal die into the clay while it was still in the "green" state.
  15. (Incised) cut rather deeply (leaf margin).
  16. (Incised) refers to the lines in unfired ceramic material that were created by using a stamp, press, or mold; sometimes used synonymously with etched.
  17. (incised) A term used to describe down-cutting (downward erosion) by a stream. Incision deepens and often steepens the stream channel.
  18. (incised) cut jaggedly with very deep teeth
  19. (INCISING) Decorating technique where design is formed by cutting or carving shallow lines in clay surface.
  20. (INCISING) Indenting a line into a flat surface.
  21. (Incising) A decorative process in which a tool carves away parts of the clay to create a design or pattern
  22. (Incising) A form of surface decoration that involves dragging or drawing a sharp, narrow instrument, such as a knife or stylus, across leather hard clay. The cross-section of an incised line is usually V-shaped.
  23. (Incising) Carving lines, notches or symbols into a surface.
  24. (Incising) Cutting slits into the surfaces of a piece of wood prior to preservative treatment to improve absorption.
  25. (Incising) Engraving a decoration into unfired clay.