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inbound 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Traveling toward a particular place, esp. when returning to the original point of departure,
  1. Traveling toward a particular place, esp. when returning to the original point of departure
    • - inbound traffic
    • - we have three enemy planes inbound on bearing two ninety
  1. Throw (the ball) from out of bounds, putting it into play

  1. directed or moving inward or toward a center; "the inbound train"; "inward flood of capital"
  2. To pass a ball inbounds; Coming in, heading inwards
  3. Involving non-residents of a country traveling to that destination. Also called Incoming.
  4. of ASDA's orders filled by supplier over a given time
  5. A direction of Muni service, usually heading toward downtown San Francisco.
  6. Type of contact center service in which operators wait for calls from customers.
  7. A term used to describe incoming freight.
  8. Inbound telemarketing is where respondents reply to a telephone number, usually as a response to a mailer or an advertisement.
  9. The flow of products into a distribution center prior to order selection.
  10. Calls which originate outside of the company and terminate inside of it are described as inbound.
  11. Inward bound. Direction of vessel or cargo going to port of discharge or final destination.
  12. Any phone calls that come into a telemarketing call center.
  13. Transmission of a signal to the satellite. In a network it is typically referred to as the transmission from the remote router to a satellite to a hub.
  14. A call initiated from someone else, coming in to your line.
  15. The journey returning from the intended destination to the origin.
  16. We refer to inbound as traffic we receive and that is directed to you, such as calls to your DID telephone numbers.
  17. Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on getting found by customers. It is recommended[3] that marketers “earn their way in” (via publishing helpful information on a blog, videos on YouTube, etc.)
  18. A flight coming into the airport.
  19. To pass the ball on a throw-in.
  20. Freight moving toward a terminal.
  21. logistics²getting needed materials and other inputs into the firm from suppliers