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impanel 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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impaneled, past participle; empaneling, present participle; empanelled, past participle; impaneled, past tense; empanelled, past tense; empanelling, present participle; impanelling, present participle; empaneled, past participle; impanels, 3rd person singular present; impanelled, past tense; impanelled, past participle; empanels, 3rd person singular present; empaneled, past tense; impaneling, present participle;
  1. Enlist or enroll (a jury)

  2. Enroll (someone) on to a jury
    • - several of her friends have been impaneled

  1. empanel: enter into a list of prospective jurors
  2. Jury selection refers to several methods used to choose the people who will serve on a trial jury. The jury pool is first selected from among the community using a reasonably random method. The prospective jurors are then questioned in court by the judge and/or attorneys. ...
  3. To select jurors from a jury pool
  4. To seat a jury. When voir dire is finished and both sides have exercised their challenges, the jury is impanelled. The jurors are sworn in and the trial is ready to proceed.
  5. (As pertains to juries.)  To select a jury and enroll their names.
  6. Act of the clerk of the court in making a list of jurors who can be selected for the trial of a particular case.