- a person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there
- (immigration) migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there)
- The Immigrant (also called Broke) is a 1917 American comedy short film starring the Charlie Chaplin Tramp character as an immigrant coming to the United States who is accused of theft on the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, and befriends a young woman along the way. ...
- The Immigrant - a new American musical is a chamber musical with music by Steven M. Alper and lyrics by Sarah Knapp, and book by Mark Harelik. Originally a play by Mark Harelik based on the true story of his grandfather, it subsequently received this musical adaptation. ...
- "The Immigrant" is a 1975 single written Neil Sedaka and Phil Cody and performed by Sedaka. The single was the second release from his "Sedaka's Back" album. "The Immigrant" was dedicated to John Lennon and the immigration problems that he faced. ...
- (Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita)) Immigrants, also known as L.A. Dolce Vita (Hungarian title: Immigrants - Jóska menni Amerika) is a Hungarian-American animated film directed by Gábor Csupó. The Hungarian release date was October 30, 2008. ...
- (Immigration (Show Ya album)) Immigration is the fifth album of the Japanese rock group Show Ya. The album was released on November 5, 1987 in Japan. Yasushi Akimoto and Tsutsumi Kyohei worked together again in song composition. ...
- (The Immigrants) The Immigrants (1977) is a historical novel written by Howard Fast. Set in San Francisco during the early 20th Century, this best-seller tells the story of Daniel Lavette, a self described "roughneck" who rises from the ashes of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and becomes one ...
- A person who comes to a country from another country in order to permanently settle in the new country; A plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist; Of or relating to immigrants or the act of immigrating
- (immigration) The act of immigrating; the passing or coming into a country for the purpose of permanent residence
- (immigrants) people who go to a country to live in it
- (Immigrants) Under some circumstances people could correctly be described as immigrants - if they are migrants from one country to another. However, this should not be used when referring to ethnic groups that have been in this country for generations (and in some cases centuries). ...
- (IMMIGRATION) To enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native
- (immigration) movement of people into another country
- (Immigration) "A process by which non-nationals move into a country for the purpose of settlement." (IOM)
- (Immigration) 1. Department where officials check the documents of people travelling internationally (at airports or border crossings). This is often also called passport control. 2. The government department that deals with foreigners visiting the county. 3. ...
- (Immigration) Government officials responsible for granting citizens permission to or restricting entry to a country.
- (Immigration) Hardy winter wheat brought to the state by Russian Mennonites established Kansas as one of the leading producers of wheat. Other immigrants came to Kansas during this period, among them the Volga Germans and Swedes. ...
- (Immigration) Libertarians of the Natural Law variety generally support freedom of movement, but other libertarians argue that open borders amount to legalized trespassing. ...
- (Immigration) The process of examining your passport and other documents to make certain that you can be allowed to enter the country, or the place where this is done
- (Immigration) The social tool with which Democrats undermine and inevitably disenfranchise the Power and Wealth of the upper class. ...
- (Immigration) This year, says Jeff Brady at NPR, "the immigration issue has gone from simmer to full boil." Arizona's attempt to crack down on illegal immigration from Mexico earlier this year via state Senate Bill 1070 provided the spark, and Republicans have slowly raised the heat ever since. ...
- (Immigration) has doubtless been a prolific source of multiplying words.--Hamilton, Nugæ Literariæ, p. 381.
- (Immigration) is to arrive at a country.
- (immigration) The influx of new individuals from other areas.