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icons, plural; ikons, plural;
  1. A painting of Jesus Christ or another holy figure, typically in a traditional style on wood, venerated and used as an aid to devotion in the Byzantine and other Eastern Churches

  2. A person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of something
    • - this iron-jawed icon of American manhood
  3. A symbol or graphic representation on a video display terminal of a program, option, or window, esp. one of several for selection

  4. A sign whose form directly reflects the thing it signifies, for example, the word snarl pronounced in a snarling way

  1. (computer science) a graphic symbol (usually a simple picture) that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface
  2. picture: a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface; "they showed us the pictures of their wedding"; "a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them"
  3. a conventional religious painting in oil on a small wooden panel; venerated in the Eastern Church
  4. An icon (from Greek eikōn "image") is a religious work of art, most commonly a painting, from Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism. ...
  5. Icon is an American heavy metal/glam metal band that formed in 1981, disbanding in 1990.
  6. 'Icon' is the fifth studio album by the French brutal death metal band Benighted. The title actually stands for "Infinite Conscience of Nothingness".
  7. Icon is the fourth compilation album by Canadian singer-songwriter Bryan Adams and one of the Universal Music'c ICON Series.
  8. Icon is a fictional superhero, a comic book character published by DC Comics. An original character from DC's Milestone Comics imprint, he first appeared in Icon #1 (May 1993), and was created by Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan.
  9. On computer displays, a computer icon (or simply an icon) is a small pictogram. Icons have been used to supplement the normal alphanumerics of the computer. Modern computers now can handle bitmapped graphics on the display terminal, so the icons are widely used to assist users.
  10. An image, symbol, picture, or other representation usually as an object of religious devotion; A religious painting, often done on wooden panels; A person or thing that is the best example of a certain profession or some doing; A small picture which represents something (such as an icon on a ...
  11. (icons) Symbols or illustrations appearing on the computer screen that indicate program files or other computer functions.
  12. (Icons) pictorial images used on screen to indicate utility functions, files, folders or applications software. The icons are generally activated by an on-screen pointer controlled by a mouse or trackball.
  13. (Icons) Small pictures that represent the programs on your computer.
  14. (2009 ICONS) ^ | About ICONS^ | Terms^ | Privacy statement^ | Contact us^ | FAQ^
  15. (ICONS) The Sacred Images of Our Lord, His Mother, or the Saints. Icons may also depict a sacred event. We cross oursleves and bow before venerating (kissing) Icons. Orthodox Christians have one or more Icons in the corners of the rooms of their homes.
  16. (ICONS) Used by the Polaris online catalog to indicate what "format" an item is; for example, a map, book or dvd. A list of all these icons with descriptions is online here.
  17. (Icons) 1975. Wilhelm Hansen. RCI 481 (H McLean)
  18. (Icons) An icon is an image or symbol (such as a road sign).
  19. (Icons) Graphic representations indicating, for example, pitch or rhythm, and used in lieu of or along with traditional symbols for these elements.
  20. (Icons) Images (compare to talisman)
  21. (Icons) It is usually a pictorial representation (Merriam-Webster online dictionary). An icon can be a metaphor when such a metaphor is appropriate. When a metaphor cannot be found for an icon, the design of such an icon will take special effort in term of user testing.
  22. (Icons) Pictographs that are used in a Windows environment to indicate operations such as copy, save, delete, etc.
  23. (Icons) Representations of saints or biblical figures in paintings which are used for veneration. Early Renaissance and Byzantine icons were influenced and governed by dogmatic rules set by the Church regarding representations of saints or biblical figures.
  24. (Icons) Symbols or graphics that may represent electronic components, features, or functions. Icons are generally displayed on a touchscreen.
  25. (Icons) Symbols that never lose their currency.