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hyperventilate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hyperventilated, past participle; hyperventilates, 3rd person singular present; hyperventilating, present participle; hyperventilated, past tense;
  1. Breathe at an abnormally rapid rate, so increasing the rate of loss of carbon dioxide
    • - she started to hyperventilate under stress
  2. Cause to breathe in such a way
    • - the patients were hyperventilated for two minutes
  3. Inflated or pretentious in style; overblown
    • - hyperventilated prose

  1. produce hyperventilation in; "The nurses had to hyperventilate the patient"
  2. breathe excessively hard and fast; "The mountain climber started to hyperventilate"
  3. (hyperventilation) an increased depth and rate of breathing greater than demanded by the body needs; can cause dizziness and tingling of the fingers and toes and chest pain if continued
  4. In medicine, hyperventilation (or overbreathing) is the state of breathing faster and/or deeper than normal. It can result from a psychological state such as a panic attack, from a physiological condition such as metabolic acidosis, or can be brought about voluntarily.
  5. (Hyperventilating (Tami Chynn song)) "Hyperventilating" is a song by Jamaican reggaefusion singer Tami Chynn. It was released as the first single from her first album, Out of Many...One, which was released through SRC Records and Universal Music Records.
  6. (hyperventilation) over breathing to the extent that the blood carbon dioxide level is lowered; may lead to tingling in fingers and dizziness.
  7. (HYPERVENTILATION) A pattern of rapid, shallow breathing that is frequently found in patients with Rett's disorder.
  8. (HYPERVENTILATION) Increased rate and/or depth of respiration that results in abnormal lowering of atrial carbon dioxide.
  9. Hyperventilation, or overventilation, is described by abnormally fast or deep respiration in which excessive quantities of air are taken in, causing buzzing in the ears, tingling in the extremities and sometimes fainting.
  10. (Hyperventilation) Is an increased rate of breathing. It can occur as a result of a panic attack, or the body's response to a medical event. This can caused alterations in carbon dioxide levels.
  11. (Hyperventilation) Abnormally rapid breathing
  12. (38. Hyperventilation) respiratory rate higher than required to maintain normal levels of carbon dioxide in body tissues. (Hiperventilación)
  13. (Hyperventilation) Breathing too fast or too much causing a lowering in blood levels of carbon dioxide and an increase in blood levels of oxygen.
  14. (Hyperventilation) Over-breathing, causing changes in the acid /base balance of the body. Can be caused not only by I lypoxia but also by anxiety, motion sickness, vibration, heat, high “G” or shock.
  15. (Hyperventilation) can cause temporary dizziness and sometimes occurs when you are exercising strenuously or if you hold your breath when you are under stress.
  16. (Hyperventilation) exaggerated inspirations followed immediately by equally exaggerated expirations (fast, deep breaths), contributing to a central apnea at the end.
  17. (Hyperventilation) increased rate and depth of breathing; may be done during the EEG to increase the chances of finding epileptiform or other abnormal activity.
  18. When a person hyperventilates the respiratory rate is fast and each breath is deep. This abnormal type of breathing causes more oxygen (O2) to be breathed in (inspired) and decreases the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood.
  19. To increase the rate or depth of one's inspirations or expirations, or both; may occur with anxiety.