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hustle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hustled, past tense; hustled, past participle; hustles, 3rd person singular present; hustling, present participle;
  1. Force (someone) to move hurriedly or unceremoniously in a specified direction
    • - they hustled him into the back of a horse-drawn wagon
  2. Push roughly; jostle
    • - they were hissed and hustled as they went in
  3. Hurry; bustle
    • - he had to retag second base and hustle back to first
  4. Obtain by forceful action or persuasion
    • - the brothers headed to New York to try and hustle a record deal
  5. Coerce or pressure someone into doing or choosing something
    • - don't be hustled into anything
  6. Sell aggressively
    • - he hustled his company's oil around the country
  7. Obtain by illicit action; swindle; cheat
    • - Linda hustled money from men she met
  8. Engage in prostitution

  1. Busy movement and activity
    • - the hustle and bustle of the big cities
  2. Energetic effort
    • - he forced a turnover with his hustle, diving after a loose ball
  3. A fraud or swindle

  1. bunco: a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
  2. cause to move furtively and hurriedly; "The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater"
  3. bustle: a rapid active commotion
  4. bustle: move or cause to move energetically or busily; "The cheerleaders bustled about excitingly before their performance"
  5. sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity
  6. get by trying hard; "she hustled a free lunch from the waiter"
  7. Hustle is a 1975 American neo-noir crime film directed by Robert Aldrich and starring Burt Reynolds, Catherine Deneuve, Ben Johnson, Paul Winfield, Eileen Brennan, Eddie Albert and Ernest Borgnine, which was released in 1975.
  8. Hustle is a TV movie about baseball player Pete Rose created by ESPN Films that first broadcast on September 25, 2004. The movie follows Rose as he gambled on Major League Baseball while managing the Cincinnati Reds, then was caught and banned from baseball for life. ...
  9. The Hustle is a catchall name for several disco dances which were extremely popular in the 1970s. Today it mostly refers to the unique partner dance done in ballrooms and nightclubs to disco music..Shell, Niel and John P. Nyemchek, Hustle, Nyemchek Dance Centre, Pearl River, New York, 1999. ...
  10. HUSTLE was a Japanese professional wrestling promotion managed by Nobuhiko Takada. HUSTLE can be described as an industry experiment to market the sports entertainment style of professional wrestling in Japan.
  11. Hustle is a British television drama series made by Kudos Film and Television for BBC One in the United Kingdom. ...
  12. The Hustle (2004) was the sixth album released by the trio known as G. Love & Special Sauce. G. Love & Special Sauce are, G. Love (lead vocals, guitar, and harmonica), Jeffrey Clemens (percussion and background vocals), and Jimmy Jazz Prescott (string bass).
  13. "The Hustle" is a famous disco song by songwriter/arranger Van McCoy and the Soul City Symphony. It scored #1 on the "Billboard Hot 100" and the "Hot Soul Singles" charts during the summer of 1975. It also peaked at #9 on the Australian Singles Chart (Kent Music Report) and #3 in the UK. ...
  14. A state of busy activity; To rush or hurry; To con or deceive; To bundle, to stow something quickly; to dance the hustle (see Wikipedia:Hustle (dance)); To play deliberately badly at a game or sport in an attempt to encourage players to challenge; To sell sex, to work as a pimp; To be a ...
  15. (hustled) moved or worked quickly or energetically
  16. The OED defines as to move hastily, with a quote from 1821 and to hurry with an 1891 quote..
  17. "Are you on some kind of hustle or what."
  18. The Hustle is from the swing family. The Hustle is danced to contemporary pop music. It is fast, smooth with the lady spinning almost constantly.
  19. the way you make your money out on the streets. Boosting, (shoplifting and selling the stuff back), panhandling, etc....
  20. A dance born in the 1970s disco scene, mainly influenced by the Lindy hop and Latin Dances.
  21. Brisk, purposeful and appropriate movement at all times during a game.
  22. (AmE) Professional criminal's avocation. Pickpocketing, burglary, and safe-cracking (now rare) are all hustles. Also refers to any scheme to obtain money or drugs while in prison.
  23. Almost everyone has a hustle behind the walls. A hustle is your on the side trade to pad your footlocker with more foodstuffs. Forms include drawing, drugs, writing, bartering, gambling, tattooing, and many many more.
  24. attempt to obtain drug customers
  25. to survive by any means possible