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hurl 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hurled, past participle; hurled, past tense; hurling, present participle; hurls, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Throw (an object) with great force
    • - rioters hurled a brick through the windshield of a car
  2. Push or impel (someone) violently
    • - I seized Nathan and hurled him into the lobby
    • - he hurled himself into the job with enthusiasm
  3. Utter (abuse) vehemently
    • - they were hurling insults over a back fence
  4. Vomit
    • - it made me want to hurl

  1. a violent throw
  2. throw forcefully
  3. lunge: make a thrusting forward movement
  4. utter with force; utter vehemently; "hurl insults"; "throw accusations at someone"
  5. H.U.R.L. is a nonviolent video game aimed at children that was released in 1995 by a publishing house called Deep River Publishing. ...
  6. Hurl! was an American TV game show from G4 that first premiered on G4 in the USA on July 16, 2008. It takes a unique twist on competitive eating. ...
  7. A hurley (or camán) is a wooden stick used to hit a sliotar (leather ball) in the Irish sport of hurling. It measures between 70 and 100 cm (20 to 40 inches) long with a flattened, curved end (called the bas) which provides the striking surface. ...
  8. To throw (something) with force; (slang) To vomit
  9. (hurled) threw with much force
  10. To play hurling. A hurley stick. To vomit. Or to throw.
  11. to bowl along ; to wheel ; a vehicle ride
  12. to throw up. This is what Bad Beef claimed he might do upon being deceived that the Gus was a child molester.
  13. (verb) -- to throw roughly or with violence
  14. is not slang for barfing, but a ride…so if someone offers you a hurl, they they are merely offering you a ride up the road
  15. (v) to vomit. Synonyms: barf, vomit, up heave. Freq: occasional. She just hurled all over my new jeans. I was so mad!
  16. (hurl) n. See "vomit".