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hotfoot 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hotfoots, plural;
  1. Walk or run quickly and eagerly
    • - we hotfooted it after him
  1. A practical joke in which a match is inserted into the victim's shoe and then lit

  1. In eager haste
    • - he rushed hotfoot to the planning office to object

  1. a practical joke that involves inserting a match surreptitiously between the sole and upper of the victim's shoe and then lighting it
  2. rush: move fast; "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"; "The cars raced down the street"
  3. without delay; speedily; "sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks"- Francis Hackett; "drove hotfoot for Boston"
  4. The hot foot is a prank where the prankster sets the victim's shoe laces on fire with a match or lighter. There are several other versions of the hot foot prank, but all involve using a source of flame near a victim's foot. ...
  5. at once, immediately:- 'Off I went hot-foot.' 'As soon as James heard the news, he wrote a letter hot-foot to his father.'
  6. SCRA / NASCAR Winston West / USAC Western States Sprint Car driver Troy Cline.
  7. uncomfortable condition caused by insufficient cockpit insulation in footbox area