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hostess 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hostesses, plural;
  1. Act as a hostess at (an event)
    • - she was welcome to hostess the evening, if she chose
  2. Act as a hostess

  1. A woman who receives or entertains guests
    • - the perfect dinner-party hostess
  2. A woman employed at a restaurant to welcome and seat customers

  3. A woman employed to entertain customers at a nightclub, bar, or dance hall

  4. A stewardess on an aircraft, train, etc

  5. A woman who introduces a television or radio program
    • - a game-show hostess

  1. a woman host
  2. stewardess: a woman steward on an airplane
  3. Hostess is a brand of Hostess Brands in the United States, known for its line of snack foods, such as Twinkies, CupCakes, Chocodiles, Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, Suzy Q's, Sno Balls, Zingers, Donettes, Mini Muffins, Hostess Fruit Pies, Pudding Pies, and Doughnuts.
  4. The maître d’ (short for maître d’hôtel plural, maîtres d'; maîtres d'hotel, in the original French, literally "master of the hotel") in a suitably staffed restaurant or hotel is the person in charge of assigning customers to tables in the establishment and dividing the dining area into areas of ...
  5. "Hostess" is a science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov. It was first published in the May 1951 issue of Galaxy and reprinted in the 1969 collection Nightfall and Other Stories.
  6. A term referring to the individuals who are responsible for greeting and taking care of focus group respondents and observers. Hostess' responsibilities include serving food to the participants and the client observers, rescreening respondents when they arrive, preparing name tags, etc.
  7. A woman who greets customers as they enter the restaurant and seats them.
  8. A person who hosts a group selling situation, such as a skin care class or Collection Preview. For more information, see “coaching.” hostess incentive/hostess credit – Allows the hostess to earn Mary Kay® products when she shares her appointment with others. ...