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hopscotch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A children's game in which each child by turn hops into and over squares marked on the ground to retrieve a marker thrown into one of these squares,
  1. Skip from place to place; move erratically
    • - the blackouts hopscotched around eight Western states
    • - he hopscotched from Indonesia to Hong Kong to Australia to Japan
  1. A children's game in which each child by turn hops into and over squares marked on the ground to retrieve a marker thrown into one of these squares

  1. a game in which a child tosses a stone into an area drawn on the ground and then hops through it and back to regain the stone
  2. Hopscotch is a children's game which can be played with several players or alone. Hopscotch is a popular playground game.
  3. Hopscotch is a 1975 novel by Brian Garfield, in which a CIA field officer walks away from the Agency in order to keep from being retired in place behind a desk, and invites the Agency to pursue him by writing an exposé and mailing chapters of it piecemeal to all the major intelligence agencies ...
  4. Hopscotch is a 1980 American film directed by Ronald Neame and produced by Otto Plaschkes. It was written by Bryan Forbes and Brian Garfield, based on his novel of the same name.
  5. Hopscotch (Rayuela) is a novel by Argentine author Julio Cortázar. It was written in Paris and published in Spanish in 1963 and in English in 1966. The English translation by Gregory Rabassa won the 1967 U.S. National Book Award.
  6. A child's game, in which a player, hopping on one foot, drives a stone from one compartment to another of a figure traced or scotched on the ground; To move by hopping; To move back and forth between adjacent patterns by hopping
  7. When you pass a city bus that has stopped to pick up or drop off passengers, only to pass the same bus again a few blocks later at the next stop. Sometimes this game of hopscotch can go on for many miles.
  8. a patrol or search method in AIRMOBILE or HELIBORNE operations where assault elements move or jump quickly and directly from one area to another, without having to pass through any of the intervening areas; to move in a series of short trips, as to travel erratically; also known as "jitterbug"; ...
  9. 1) A secured area protected by sensor pods, pressure pads or similar auto-triggered intruder detection electronics. 2) To navigate such an area by pinpointing and avoiding the contact-spots/eye-beams of the sensors.
  10. This is a study method that incorporates chance in the context of structure and strict methodology. The ancient game of hopscotch, and the Julio Cortazar novel by the same name, are key to understanding how juxtaposition can produce new 'sites' of discovery.
  11. Game where girls were better than boys due to balancing skills.