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hoots, plural;
  1. (of an owl) Utter a hoot

  2. (of a person) Make loud sounds of scorn, disapproval, or merriment
    • - she began to hoot with laughter
  3. Express loud scornful disapproval of something
    • - his questions were hooted down or answered obscenely
  4. (of a horn, siren, etc.) Make a hoot

  5. (of the driver of a vehicle) Sound (the horn)

  1. A deep or medium-pitched musical sound, often wavering or interrupted, that is the typical call of many kinds of owl

  2. A similar but typically more raucous sound made by a horn, siren, or steam whistle

  3. A shout expressing scorn or disapproval
    • - there were hoots of derision
  4. A short outburst of laughter
    • - the audience broke into hoots of laughter
  5. An amusing situation or person
    • - your mom's a real hoot

  1. a loud raucous cry (as of an owl)
  2. to utter a loud clamorous shout; "the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak, play dice, and dance"
  3. boo: a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt
  4. utter the characteristic sound of owls
  5. damn: something of little value; "his promise is not worth a damn"; "not worth one red cent"; "not worth shucks"
  6. Hoot was a UK comic book that ran from (issues dates) 26 October 1985 to 25 October 1986, when it merged with The Dandy. Its cover price was 20p, represented by a stylized graphic depiction of a 20p coin. Throughout its run, it billed itself as "Britain's bubbling new comic! ...
  7. Hoot is a 2006 American family comedy film based on Carl Hiaasen's novel of the same name. It was directed by Wil Shriner and produced by New Line Cinema and Walden Media. ...
  8. Hoot (حوت; Whale) is an Iranian supercavitation torpedo that travels at approximately 360 km/h, several times faster than a conventional torpedo. ...
  9. Hoot is a young adult novel by Carl Hiaasen. The story is set in Coconut Cove, Florida where Roy and his two new friends try to stop construction of a pancake house which would destroy a colony of burrowing owls who live on the site. The book won a Newbery Honor award in 2003.
  10. Brandeis University is an American private research university with a liberal arts focus. It is located in the southwestern corner of Waltham, Massachusetts, nine miles (14 km) west of Boston. The University has an enrollment of approximately 3,200 undergraduate and 2,100 graduate students. ...
  11. Hoots the Owl was a character on the children's television program, Sesame Street, performed by Kevin Clash. He was an owl that plays a saxophone. ...
  12. A derisive cry or shout; The cry of an owl; A fun event, a blast; To cry out or shout in contempt; To make the cry of an owl; To assail with contemptuous cries or shouts; to follow with derisive shouts
  13. Howling and yelping approval and encouragement to buddies
  14. To scream for your friend after they ride a particularly sweet wave.
  15. "This time the Hollywood elite celebrates a bunch of teenagers fighting to save the nests of some burrowing owls. Burrowing owls? Know what that is? That's a rat with wings."
  16. as seen in Mario Party Advance.