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hoop 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hoops, plural;
  1. Bind or encircle with or as with hoops

  1. A circular band of metal, wood, or similar material, esp. one used for binding the staves of barrels or forming part of a framework

  2. The round metal rim from which a basketball net is suspended

  3. The game of basketball

  4. A large ring used as a toy by being bowled along

  5. A large ring, typically with paper stretched over it, for circus performers to jump through

  6. One of a pair of rings that hold fabric taut while it is being embroidered

  7. A circle of flexible material used for expanding a woman's petticoat or skirt

  8. A croquet wicket

  1. a light curved skeleton to spread out a skirt
  2. bind or fasten with a hoop; "hoop vats"
  3. a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling; "there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse"
  4. wicket: a small arch used as croquet equipment
  5. basket: horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball
  6. (hoops) basketball: a game played on a court by two opposing teams of 5 players; points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal hoop
  7. HOOP is an official NBA publication, produced bi-monthly. It features in-depth interviews with top NBA players, and also highlights the players' lives off the court.
  8. Hoop (Rhythmic Gymnastics) may be made of plastic or wood, provided that it retains its shape during the routine. The interior diameter is from 51 to 90 cm, and the hoop must weigh a minimum of 300g. ...
  9. (Hoops (song)) "Hoops" is the third and final single from the debut album Salt Peter by the trip hop/industrial band Ruby. It was released in the United States on January 1, 1996 by the WORK/Creation labels. Unlike its two predecessors, this single would not chart in the U.S. ...
  10. (Hoops (video game)) Hoops is an NES basketball game, done in a half court style with the player having a choice to disable or enable winners outs. Unlike professional basketball, a player can commit as many fouls as he wants and never has to worry about being fouled out. ...
  11. (The hoops) Shamrock Rovers Football Club (Cumann Peile Ruagairí na Seamróige) are a football club from Dublin, Ireland. They compete in the Premier Division of the League of Ireland and are the most successful club in Irish football history. ...
  12. A circular band of metal used to bind a barrel; The game of basketball; A hoop earring; A jockey; To fasten using a hoop
  13. (Hooped) A colloquial expression meaning damaged, out of order, or unrepairable as in Your engine is hooped.
  14. ("Hoops") Slang word used to indicate the game of basketball
  15. (HOOPS) The most common hoops on a drum will be either triple flanged or die cast. Die cast are heavier and will dampen the resonance of the drum. Wood hoops are mostly about aesthics, however you will get a different sound from your drum. The sound can be compared to triple flanged hoops... ...
  16. (HOOPS) quite impressive 3d graphics library, created by Ithaca (a bunch of computer graphics professors and specialists, who know ancient greece) and bought by AutoDESK, used i.e in mechtop, 3ds max, softdesk block preview dcl's (the real time stuff), now renamed to Heidi
  17. (Hoops) (1983) - A promising basketball player tries not to end up like his former pro playing coach.
  18. (Hoops) A company which makes basketball cards.
  19. (Hoops) Another word for rims.
  20. (Hoops) Construction usually made as a petticoat with metal or wooden inlets for achieveng a desirable shape of skirt. In Elizabethan fashion the more common term for this is farthingale.
  21. (Hoops) Like a drum Rim. These can be wood, or metallic.
  22. (Hoops) Reinforcing bars, bent into a circular shape like hoops, which surround the longitudinal reinforcement of compression members.
  23. (Hoops) Term to identify the metal and wood structure used to hold the canvas up in the bed of a Single Cab or Double Cab.  Also see Tilt
  24. (Hoops) The name of a basketball card manufacturer. Also common objects found in Dennis Rodman’s nose.
  25. (Hoops) Wood or metal rings which hold the luff of a sail close to the mast (also Mast Hoops)