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hoodoo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hoodoos, plural;
  1. Bewitch
    • - she's hoodooed you
  2. Bring bad luck to
    • - a fine player, but repeatedly hoodooed
  1. Voodoo; witchcraft

  2. A run of bad luck associated with a person or activity
    • - when is this hoodoo going to end?
  3. A person or thing that brings or causes bad luck

  4. A column or pinnacle of weathered rock
    • - a towering sandstone hoodoo

  1. bring bad luck; be a source of misfortune
  2. (geology) a column of weathered and unusually shaped rock; "a tall sandstone hoodoo"
  3. a practitioner of voodoo
  4. juju: a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers
  5. Hoodoo is the third solo album by singer/songwriter Alison Moyet.
  6. Hoodoo, also known as conjure, is a form of predominantly African-American traditional folk magic that developed from the syncretism of a number of separate cultures and magical traditions. ...
  7. A hoodoo (also called a tent rock, fairy chimney, and earth pyramid) is a tall, thin spire of rock that protrudes from the bottom of an arid drainage basin or badland. Hoodoos consist of soft sedimentary rock topped by harder, less easily-eroded stone that protects each column from the elements.
  8. Hoodoo, John Fogerty's third solo album, was recorded in the late spring of 1976 but never released. After the John Fogerty solo album, Fogerty wasted no time in recording more material for a new album to be followed with a tour, which would be very low-key, with a small group of musicians. ...
  9. Hoodoo Is the 16th album by heavy metal band Krokus. It includes a Steppenwolf cover of Born to be wild. It failed to top the Billboard Top 200. Unlike Their last album Hellraiser.
  10. Hoodoo Ski Area is a ski resort operated on federal land through agreement with the Willamette National Forest, McKenzie River ranger district. It is located on the northwest through northeast flanks of Hoodoo Butte, a volcanic cinder cone near the summit of Santiam Pass on U.S. ...
  11. Black Holes and Revelations is the fourth studio album by English rock band Muse, released on 3 July 2006. Recording was split between New York and France, and it was the first time Muse had taken a more active role in the album's production. ...
  12. A column or pillar of bizarre shape caused by differential erosion on rocks of different hardness.
  13. A form of folk-magic originating in Africa which, through the process of syncretism, has absorbed beliefs and practices from other cultures such as Native American spirituality and European Grimoires.
  14. A column, pinnacle, or pillar of rock produced in a region of sporadic heavy rainfall by differential weathering or erosion of horizontal strata, facilitated by joints and by layers of varying hardness, and occurring in varied and often eccentric or grotesque forms.
  15. Geologists sometimes hunt hoodoos. A hoodoo is an erosional form which develops fantastic pinnacles, towers and grotesques shapes. The hard head of hoodoos hold up the formation. This hoodoo on the left is in the Chiricahua mountains. Of course, Bryce Canyon, Utah, is hoodoo heaven.
  16. Also conjure and conjuration. A set of magical practices and rituals that combine elements of West African spirituality with elements of Native American spirituality, European grimoires, and Christianity. Hoodoo was initially developed among slave populations in the southeast United States.
  17. A 200 year old religio-magickal practice started when the African slaves were brought to the Americas. It is the result of the combining of both African Voodoo and English/European Tradition(s).
  18. a form of conjuring; a term that refers to the magical practices of voodoo outside New Orleans.
  19. An American magickal system  drawn from African magickal practice, Native American botanical healing knowledge and European folklore. ...
  20. An American term for a weirdly shaped pillar of solid rock in a semi-arid environment, similar in form to an earth pillar. Usually assumed to have been created by wind action.
  21. Original British spelling of Voodoo, the "H" was silent - A Loi or Spiritual practice. Presently the "H" is sounded. Now also used by some to indicate "rootwork."
  22. A combination of West African Voooo with West European folk magick.
  23. The rock formations that look like a pillar, Such as in Bryce, Utah
  24. Based on elements of Voodoo, Appalachian folk magic, and related traditions, Hoodoo is a 200-year-old practice of magic. A gris-gris bag (also spelled gree-gree bag or Gregory bag) is a type of Hoodoo charm.