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hocks, plural;
  1. A dry white wine from the German Rhineland

  1. Rhine wine: any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany (`hock' is British usage)
  2. pawn: leave as a guarantee in return for money; "pawn your grandfather's gold watch"
  3. tarsal joint of the hind leg of hoofed mammals; corresponds to the human ankle
  4. disable by cutting the hock
  5. Hock is an English term for German wine, sometimes wine from the Rhine regions and sometimes all German wine. It is short for the now obsolete word hockamore. The term is a corruption of the name of the German town of Hochheim on the Main river in the Rheingau wine region. ...
  6. The hock, or gambrel, is the joint between the tarsal bones and tibia of a digitigrade or unguligrade quadrupedal mammals, such as a horse, cat, or dog. ...
  7. A Rhenish wine, of a light yellow color, either sparkling or still, from the Hochheim region, but often applied to all Rhenish wines; To leave with a pawnbroker as security for a loan
  8. (HOCKS) The part of the cat’s back legs about halfway up (where the joint is) that comes into contact with the floor when kitty goes all the way down and thumps along. A cat with diabetic neuropathy will often walk on their “hocks.”
  9. Term for Rhine wines, usually used in England.
  10. Joint in the hind leg joining the cannon and gaskin (similar to ankle on humans)
  11. The tarsus bones or lower joint of the third leg; heel
  12. The financial condition that a horse owner goes into.
  13. The pointed portion of the rear leg. The joint distant to the stifle.
  14. The "knee" of the hind legs.
  15. (n.): the joint bending backward in the hind leg of an animal like a pig. Scout is dressed as a ham, and a ham is the upper part of a hog's hind leg, Scout's hock would be the part of her costume that resembles the joint of a pig's leg. Take a look at a bunch of hams hanging by their hocks.
  16. Hock is a type of white German wine Americans would call “Rhine wine”. Interestingly, the other American uses of “hock” – such as the end of a ham (ham hock) or to pawn something – are unknown in the UK.
  17. The joint of the hind leg between the lower thigh and the rear pastern.
  18. A way of financing your dog shows by the use of jewelry such as wedding rings.
  19. a bottle shape that is tall and slim with very slanted sides. Also called Reisling.
  20. British term for any white Rhine wine. Also, a cut of meat from the leg of an animal, valued for soups, stews and jellies.
  21. traditional British term for German wines.
  22. the large, angular joint halfway up a horse’s hind leg.
  23. Term for the ankle of a cat's hind leg.
  24. Bother, pester (as in the character Maj Hockstetter from Hogan's Heroes; a hockstetter being someone who constantly bothers you) [from Hak mir kayn chaynik or "Stop clanking like a teakettle" from the old time pre-whistle teakettles whose tops clank against the rim as the pressure pushed them up ...