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hitchhike 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Travel by getting free rides in passing vehicles,
  1. Travel by getting free rides in passing vehicles
    • - he dropped out in 1976 and hitchhiked west
  1. A journey made by hitchhiking

  1. travel by getting free rides from motorists
  2. Hitchhiking (also known as thumbing, tramping, hitching, autostop or thumbing up a ride) is a means of transportation that is gained by asking people, usually strangers, for a ride in their automobile or other road vehicle to travel a distance that may either be short or long. ...
  3. To try to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road. Generally by either sticking out one's finger or thumb or holding a sign with one's stated destination; To be carried along with something else, for example Genetic Hitchhiking where a gene is propagated because it ...
  4. (Hitchhikers) Active and passive candidates seeking employment.
  5. (hitchhiking) The increase in frequency of a selectively neutral allele through gametic disequilibrium with a beneficial allele that selection increases in frequency in a population.
  6. (Hitch-hiking) The technique of flighting two commercials in one slot.
  7. (HITCHHIKING) Using the idea of someone else to come up with one of your own. This is encouraged in divergent thinking exercises such as brain-storming.
  8. (hitchhiking) A member uses an idea of another member to stimulate his or her imagination, thereby creating an idea that is a variation of the original.
  9. A seed travels by attaching itself to an animal or person.
  10. to transmit a PROPAGANDA broadcast on the same frequency (FREQ), using authentic CALL-SIGN and program characteristics, in imitation of the actual enemy station, except when the genuine enemy signal is off-the-air. Compare SURF; see PUSH, RADIO.
  11. A term used to describe a type of musical cue used as a tag or musical signature following a TV program. It is often used to highlight the production company or distribution company which distributed the program.