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hibernate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hibernating, present participle; hibernated, past tense; hibernated, past participle; hibernates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. (of an animal or plant) Spend the winter in a dormant state

  2. (of a person) Remain inactive or indoors for an extended period
    • - the pilots who have been hibernating during the winter months get their gliders out again

  1. sleep during winter; "Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their caves"
  2. be in an inactive or dormant state
  3. (hibernating) dormant: in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation; "dormant buds"; "a hibernating bear"; "torpid frogs"
  4. (hibernation) the torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter
  5. (hibernation) cessation from or slowing of activity during the winter; especially slowing of metabolism in some animals
  6. (hibernation) the act of retiring into inactivity; "he emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years"
  7. Hibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) library for the Java language, providing a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. ...
  8. Hibernation is a feature of many computer operating systems where the contents of RAM are written to non-volatile storage such as a hard disk, as a file or on a separate partition, before powering off the computer. ...
  9. (Hibernating) Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate. ...
  10. To spend winter time in hibernation; (computing) To enter a standby state which conserves power without losing the contents of memory
  11. (hibernation) to spend the winter in a dormant state
  12. Hibernation (also called overwintering) is a condition in which an animal is dormant for a period of time usually during the Winter or a cold period.
  13. (Hibernation) winter or cold season dormancy.
  14. (hibernation) (Zool.) A period of dormancy or inactivity in response to cold or drought during which metabolic processes are significantly reduced and body temperature may be greatly lowered.
  15. (hibernation) a time of long sleep that some animals undergo during the harsh time of year
  16. (HIBERNATION) a long period of sleep, during which body processes slow, usually during the winter
  17. (HIBERNATION) Torpor brought on by extended cold temperatures
  18. (Hibernation) A state of cold-period dormancy in mammals. Cold-blooded animals are sometimes said to "hibernate", but the correct term is brumation.
  19. (Hibernation) A state of greatly reduced activity and metabolism produced by the lowering of body temperature.  It occurs in winter, enabling an animal to survive on stored fat reserves until spring.
  20. (Hibernation) A state of suspended animation or cryosleep, usually in preparation for deep space travel.
  21. (Hibernation) Condition of sleep during certain parts of the year.
  22. (Hibernation) Often used inaccurately with regards to herpetofauna, see Brumation
  23. (Hibernation) Sleeplike stage in which an organism's metabolism is reduced to its lowest level.
  24. (Hibernation) Sleeplike state with a depressed metabolic rate. Sometimes used to describe a project with low levels of activity.
  25. (Hibernation) Torpor occurring during the cold weather months. Example: Some bats, rodents, insectivores, marsupials.