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hepatitis 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A disease characterized by inflammation of the liver,
  1. A disease characterized by inflammation of the liver

  1. inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin
  2. Hepatitis (plural hepatitides) is an inflammation of the liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The name is from the Greek hepar (ἧπαρ), the root being hepat- (ἡπατ), meaning liver, and suffix -itis, meaning "inflammation" (c. 1727) . ...
  3. A sometimes fatal viral disease characterized by hepatic and generalized endotheliall lesions
  4. inflammation of the liver that sometimes causes permanent damage; caused by viruses, drugs, alcohol, or parasites. Hepatitis has the following forms:
  5. A disease in which the liver is inflamed. A viral infection is usually the cause of hepatitis, although sometimes toxins or drugs are the cause.
  6. An inflammation of the liver. There are three forms: Hepatitis A is transmitted in food, causing fever and jaundice. Hepatitis B is a severe form, transmitted in infected blood and other bodily fluids causing fever, disability and jaundice. ...
  7. (in  hepatitis: Signs and symptoms; in  digestive system disease: Acute hepatocellular hepatitis )
  8. A viral disease of the liver which can be acquired in the laboratory from nonhuman primates.
  9. This little virus can live in your water. Luckily, the SteriPEN purifiers can destroy Hepatitus A, B, C, and D. How’s that for justice?
  10. is an inflammation of the liver. This gastroenterological disease (digestive system disease) may arise from a wide variety of causes, including viral infection, drugs, metabolic disorders, toxins, alcohol consumption, bacteria, parasites, and a cell-mediated immune response against the body's ...
  11. Hepatitis is characterised by fatigue, malaise, joint aches, and abdominal pain, vomiting 2-3 times per day for the first 5 days, loss of appetite, dark urine, fever, enlarged liver and jaundice. ...
  12. liver inflammation from any source. Hepatitis can be caused by infections, medications or other diseases
  13. Inflammation of the liver caused by viral infection. There are six types of infectious hepatitis: type A; type B; nonA, nonB; type C; and type D.
  14. A disease characterised by inflammation of the liver arising from various causes including a range of viruses (i.e. A, B, C, E).
  15. Rare cases of death or hospitalization due to severe liver injury have been reported post-marketing in association with the use of CASODEX. Hepatotoxicity in these reports generally occurred within the first three to four months of treatment. ...
  16. inflammation of the liver; viral disease spread through contaminated food, water, feces, blood, and bodily fluid; associated with alcoholism and intravenous drug use
  17. an orally contracted disease causing inflammation and damage to the liver
  18. Pronounced “hepp-uh-TIGHT-uss.” An inflammation of the liver, often caused by viruses. There are three well-known types of hepatitis—hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C—each caused by a different virus. Hepatitis may also be caused by other illness, by alcohol, or by environmental toxins.
  19. Inflammation of the liver. Any  blood-borne infection may involve the liver, whether systemic in origin or  arising in the abdominal cavity, including bacterial, fungal and parasitic  infections. ...
  20. Disease of the liver causing inflammation. Symptoms include an enlarged liver, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and dark urine.
  21. "itis" is infection or inflammation, can be acute or chronic, can be due to bacteria, viruses, or toxins (such as alcohol),
  22. (n): from the Greek word meaning liver, this word refers to a diseased condition of the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by chemical or viral attack upon the liver
  23. Viral-induced inflammation of the liver; the five known forms are categorized with the letters A through E
  24. a bloodborne disease. Can be transmitted by needles and/or piercing guns if not sterilized.
  25. Generalized inflammation of the liver, often accompanied by tissue death and fibrosis. Alcoholic hepatitis can be fatal, but may be reversible with abstinence.