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heir 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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heirs, plural;
  1. A person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death
    • - his eldest son and heir
    • - she aspired to marry the heir to the throne
  2. A person inheriting and continuing the legacy of a predecessor
    • - they saw themselves as the true heirs of the Enlightenment

  1. a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another
  2. successor: a person who inherits some title or office
  3. Inheritance is the practice of passing on property, titles, debts, and obligations upon the death of an individual. It has long played an important role in human societies. The rules of inheritance differ between societies and have changed over time.
  4. Someone who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another; One who inherits, or has been designated to inherit, a hereditary title or office; A successor in a role, representing continuity with the predecessor
  5. (HEIRS) Those who inherit property either by will or succession.
  6. (Heirs) Persons who are entitled to a deceased’s estate under intestate succession laws.
  7. (Heirs) Generally, those persons who would inherit by Intestate Succession.
  8. (Heirs) An heir is a legal term used to describe the person who is the successor to property either by will or by law. Many people refer to the heir of an estate, which simply means the heir is the person, or one of the people, who will receive the property and assets of a recently deceased person.
  9. (HEIRS) Historically, the class of persons entitled to take or share, in whole or in part, any real property of an intestate decedent, now generally broadened to include all the property of an intestate decedent.  Contrast: NEXT OF KIN.
  10. (Heirs) In estate law, the people intended or expected to receive property or other benefits under a will; a person's direct lineal descendants. See “Executor” and “Will.”
  11. (Heirs) Persons upon whom the statute of descent casts the title to real property upon the death of the ancestor.
  12. (Heirs) The persons designated by law to succeed to the Estate of a Decedent who leaves no Will.
  13. (Heirs) Those persons who would inherit the estate of a decedent if there were no Will under the rules of descent and distribution. “Heir” does not mean the same thing as “beneficiary”.  This is always a source of confusion. ...
  14. (Heirs) are people who, because they are family, will inherit an estate or title: Portia was the heir to her mother's diamonds.
  15. Heirs are the persons who would receive a share of the decedent's estate pursuant to the laws of intestate succession. Note that the would portion conveys that heirs will not necessarily receive anything. ...
  16. A person who inherits under a will or a person who succeeds to property by the laws of descent if the decedent dies without a will (intestate).
  17. One who might inherit or succeed to an interest in lands under the rules of law applicable where an individual dies without leaving a will.
  18. A person who inherits or who is entitled to inherit real estate by provisions of law or under the provisions of a will.
  19. To dream that you fall heir to property or valuables, denotes that you are in danger of losing what you already possess. and warns you of coming responsibilities. Pleasant surprises may also follow this dream.
  20. One who by law, rather than by will, receives the estate of a deceased person.
  21. Someone who inherits assets from an estate of another person who has died. The heir does not have to pay income tax or estate tax on the value of the inheritance received.
  22. A person who, by law, inherits property from a deceased relative who didn't leave any type of will or trust which distributes his or her property after death. The term is more "loosely" used to refer to a person who receives property from a decedent through any means.
  23. A person who inherits some or all of the estate of a recently deceased person. The legal successor is usually related to the deceased by a direct bloodline or has been designated in a will or by a legal authority.
  24. A person entitled by law to inherit part or all of the estate of an ancestor who died without leaving a valid will.
  25. A person who is statutorily entitled to inherit property from the decedent when there is no will specifying how it should be divided.