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harmonize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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harmonizes, 3rd person singular present; harmonized, past tense; harmonized, past participle; harmonising, present participle; harmonised, past participle; harmonised, past tense; harmonizing, present participle; harmonises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Add notes to (a melody) to produce harmony

  2. Sing in harmony
    • - she scats and harmonizes simultaneously
  3. Produce a pleasing visual combination
    • - the containers harmonize in color, texture, and shape with the flowers they display
  4. Make consistent
    • - the economic group founded to harmonize national development plans

  1. go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
  2. write a harmony for
  3. sing or play in harmony
  4. bring (several things) into consonance or relate harmoniously; "harmonize the different interests"
  5. bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities"
  6. (harmonized) consonant: involving or characterized by harmony
  7. (harmonization) a piece of harmonized music
  8. (Harmonized) When used in terms of vehicular lighting products, this term refers to shared or common regulatory standard requirements between different parts of the world (ex. ECE and SAE).
  9. (Harmonization) (including single status agreements): Reducing differences in working conditions and benefits between management and shopfloor staff, e.g. making hourly staff salaried, long-term employment opportunities for all, not allowing preference for parking spaces, etc.
  10. (Harmonization) A process whereby national or regional ecolabels, standards, criteria and or conformance assessment requirements are aligned. ...
  11. (Harmonization) It is the process of making procedures or measures applied by different countries more compatible, especially those affecting the international trade. It helps in making the tariff structures more uniform.
  12. (Harmonization) Prevention or elimination of differences in technical content in standards that have the same purpose, but may vary from one country to another (e.g., food safety standards). Mainly concerns standards that may raise barriers to trade.
  13. (Harmonization) The adjustment of a gun and sight of an aircraft so that when within effective range, the tracking index will indicate the impact point of the bullets.
  14. (Harmonization) The process of establishment, recognition, and application of internationally recognized measures or standards. ...
  15. (Harmonization) Using chords and melodies together; making harmony by stacking scale tones as triads
  16. (Harmonization) is defined as the process and/or results of adjusting differences or inconsistencies to bring significant features into agreement. ...
  17. (Harmonization) the coordination of donors contributions and activities, the transparent sharing of information and the attempt to be collectively effective and avoid duplication. See Paris Declaration.
  18. (harmonization) A process whereby member countries jointly negotiate and select suppliers; member countries agree to purchase from selected supplies. Countries purchase individually.
  19. (harmonization) n. integration of environmental standards across jurisdictional boundaries thus making them uniform.
  20. (Harmonizing) Building chords on a given scale.
  21. (harmonizing) the ability to invent a vocal line that will compliment a melody as one is singing
  22. To bring two or notes together in harmony.
  23. To transform a chord by moving each of its tones by a certain number of scale degrees, as determined by the tones of the chord's keyscale. For example, to harmonize a C Major chord in the Keyscale of C Ionian by one step, we move C to D, E to F, and G to A. ...
  24. لے میں لے ملانا ۔ سر ملانا ۔ رنگ یا ڈھنگ ملانا
  25. To bring into accord or agreement.