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hangar 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hangars, plural;
  1. Place or store in a hangar
    • - the army choppers that were hangared out at Springs
  1. A large building with extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft

  1. airdock: a large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintained
  2. A hangar is a closed structure to hold aircraft and/or spacecraft in protective storage. Most hangars are built of metal, but other materials such as wood and concrete are also sometimes used. The word hangar comes from a northern French dialect, and means "cattle pen."
  3. (Hangars) 2 Argentine Navy H-3 Sea Kings
  4. A building that is used for the purpose of housing and maintaining aircraft.
  5. An enclosed structure for housing aircraft. Originated with lake-based floating homes of the original German Zeppelins in which they were "hung" from cables, which explains the erroneous, oft-seen spelling of "hanger." French: hangar, shed, outbuilding, from Latin: angarium, shed.
  6. a shelter shed, especially one wide enough for aircraft; not 'hanger'. See APRON, REVETMENT, STEELDROME, BLDG.
  7. Home for anything that flies, mostly birds.
  8. The origin of the word 'hangar' is a Northern French dialect word for a cow pen or barn. But the English term, hangar, usually refers to a wide span building, mainly for aircraft, airships or perhaps large boats. The term came into being during the first world war, for obvious reasons. ...
  9. The hangar is a part of the trucks of a skateboard. The hangar is the triangular part in the middle that the axle and the kingpin run through, and the part that skaters grind on. They are shaped a little like clothes hangars. ...