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hackle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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hackles, plural;
  1. Dress or comb with a hackle

  1. Erectile hairs along the back of a dog or other animal that rise when it is angry or alarmed

  2. The hairs on the back of a person's neck, thought of as being raised when the person is angry or hostile
    • - off-road vehicles have long raised the hackles of environmentalists
  3. A long, narrow feather on the neck or saddle of a domestic rooster or other bird

  4. A feather wound around a fishing fly so that its filaments are splayed out

  5. Such feathers collectively

  6. A bunch of feathers in a military headdress

  7. A steel comb for separating flax fibers

  1. heckle: comb with a heckle; "heckle hemp or flax"
  2. long slender feather on the necks of e.g. turkeys and pheasants
  3. (hackles) dander: a feeling of anger and animosity; "having one's hackles or dander up"
  4. The hackle is a feather plume that is attached to the headdress.
  5. The hackles are the long, fine feathers which are found on the backs of certain types of domestic chicken. These feathers are often used as fly lures. The term can also apply to the erectile hairs along the back of the neck of an animal, especially of a dog.
  6. A hackle is a metal plate with rows of pointed needles used to blend or straighten hair. This tool is used as a preliminary step in the process of custom wig making. It is typically clamped firmly to a table before use.
  7. An instrument with steel pins used to comb out flax or hemp. [from 15th c.]; One of the long, narrow feathers on the neck of birds, most noticeable on the cock. [from 15th c.]; A feather used to make a fishing lure or a fishing lure incorporating a feather. [from 17th c. ...
  8. (Hackles) Hairs on neck and back raised involuntarily in fright or anger.
  9. (Hackles) long and pointed neck feathers that can extend across mantle and wing-coverts (e.g. on junglefowls or Nicobar Pigeon).
  10. (Hackles) chicken’s neck feathers.
  11. (Hackles) The cape feathers of a rooster.
  12. (Hackles) Usually feathers wrapped around the shank of a hook. They are tied and used with a variety of materials.
  13. (Hackles) the long hair on the neck of a mammal
  14. a feather, usually from the neck area of a chicken; can be any color (dyed or natural); hackle quality, such as the stiffness of the individual fibers and amount of web, determines the type of fly tied with the hackle; many hackles are grown specifically for fly tying.
  15. a board with large metal spikes driven through it which looks like a very scary hairbrush. It was used to straighten and clean the fibers from the stalks of flax plants, which were then spun to make linen cloth.
  16. the series of extended fibres right behind the eye of a fly. The hackle is what allows a dry fly to float
  17. Feathers from the neck or back of a specially bred chicken that are wrapped around the hook or other wise attached to a fly to imitate parts of an insect, such as legs or segments of the body. Hackle tips are used also for the wings on certain flies.
  18. to hassle, bother, worry, trouble. As a noun, hackling.
  19. This has two meanings in fly-tying terms. The first is that part of the artificial fly that represents the legs of the natural or sometimes the wings, or is a false, beard or throat hackle on a lure. This is usually a feather, or feather fibres or animal hair in the case of an H&F pattern. ...
  20. This is a single feather usually tied right behind the eye of a hook. It is used to impersonate the legs of an insect. It is typically made out of bird feathers helps a dry fly to float.
  21. Bird plumage used as an accessory to headwear.
  22. to constantly hassle or bother
  23. Brown and grizzly hackle