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gullet 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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gullets, plural;
  1. The passage by which food passes from the mouth to the stomach; the esophagus

  1. esophagus: the passage between the pharynx and the stomach
  2. The throat or esophagus; The cytopharynx of a ciliate, through which food is ingested; The space between teeth of a saw blade
  3. (Gullets) Check the steel core of the blade for cracks that may have propagated from the gullets. Cracks indicate extreme fatigue failure and if sawing continues, catastrophic failure will occur.
  4. (Gullets) The space in between the diamond segments which helps remove the slurry and dissipate some of the heat caused by high friction during the cut. Hard materials will require diamond blades with narrow gullets while soft abrasives will perform better with wider gullets.
  5. The space between a saw's teeth, where the saw dust is carried out. It is an equilateral triangle, just like the file that shapes the teeth.
  6. The cut out area in front of saw blade teeth. This cut out helps carry chips and dust out of the kerf as well as introducing air to the cut to assist in controlling temperatures of the blade and wood.
  7. The slots in a blade core that provide faster cooling by allowing water or air to flow between the segments.  These also allow the blade to flex under cutting pressure.
  8. The throat within the curved area between two saw band teeth.
  9. the areas between the teeth on a saw blade. Provides a temporary place for removed material.
  10. The area forward of the impeller known as the intake housing to channel water toward the impeller via vacuum.
  11. Valley between the points of the teeth
  12. The channel underneath the saddle, running from the pommel to the cantle.
  13. Name sometimes applied to "chip space."
  14. The groove that runs down the middle of the saddle’s underside.