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guesstimate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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guesstimates, plural; guestimates, plural;
  1. Form such an estimate of
    • - the task is to guesstimate the total vote
  1. An estimate based on a mixture of guesswork and calculation

  1. an estimate that combines reasoning with guessing
  2. estimate based on a calculation
  3. Guesstimate is an informal English portmanteau of the words guess and estimate, first used by American statisticians in 1934 or 1935. Unabridged (v 1. ...
  4. (Guesstimation (game show)) Guesstimation, is a BBC National Lottery game show that was broadcast on BBC One from 11 July 2009 to 29 August 2009. The programme was hosted by Nick Knowles.
  5. An estimate that is hardly any better than a guess, often because it is based on insufficient or unreliable data; To make a guesstimate; To make a guesstimate of a specific quantity
  6. (guesstimation) An estimation made without good justification and often biased; Estimation based on guesses, usually for expedience or because no better method is available
  7. An approximation of the cost of a project made by the cost estimator, without having performed a detailed quantity takeoff. See also educated guess.
  8. In recruitment interviews, candidates will often be asked to approximate a quantity, for example the number of golf-balls that would fit in the Empire State Building. Often, a guesstimate will be used as part of a case-interview.