- the sound of growling (as made by animals)
- grumble: to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds; "he grumbled a rude response"; "Stones grumbled down the cliff"
- (growling) a gruff or angry utterance (suggestive of the growling of an animal)
- Growl is a 2008 album by Radioactive Man. It was his first release in five years as well as the first on his own label, Control Tower.
- Growl is a global notification system for the Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. Applications can use Growl to display small notifications about events which the user deems important, in a consistent manner. ...
- Woodwind growling is a musical technique where the instrumentalist vocalizes into the instrument to alter quality of the sound. Growling is used primarily in rock and blues style playing; it is popular in the woodwind family of instruments, especially the saxophone. ...
- Missouri State University (MSU or Mo State formerly Southwest Missouri State University) is a public university located in Springfield, Missouri and founded in 1905. It is the state's second largest university, with an opening day enrollment of 18,807 for the Fall 2010 semester. ...
- Growling or growl is a low, guttural vocalization produced by predatory animals as a warning to others, as a sign of aggression, or to express anger. Low or dull rumbling noises may also be emitted by human beings when discontent with something. The human sound is often termed "groaning".
- (Growling (vocal technique)) A death growl, also known as death metal vocals, guttural vocals, death grunts, cookie monster singing, harsh vocals, unclean vocals, among other names, is a vocalisation style usually employed by vocalists of the death metal and black metal music genre, but also ...
- (GROWLING) a warning of a coming attack
- ("Growling.") The right of an old soldier but tabooed for recruits. It means grumbling.
- (Growling) A deep, resonating rumble made by defensive hyenas threatening to bite.
- (Growling) This vocalization is often accompanied by hissing and spitting and is exhibited by the cheetah during annoyance, or when faced with danger.
- (Growling) produced as strong warnings to potential threats or in anger.
- Action, backspin, juice. When you want your ball to stop quickly, you have to put some growl on it.
- warning, amusement, or laughter
- vibrant notes from a trumpet.
- A musical effect in which the player vocalizes through his instrument to emulate a growl
- a system extension that lets Mac OS X applications unobtrusively tell you when things happen (more info).
- is a deep rumbling noise that happens in someone’s throat, or a sound a scary animal makes. What’s the word?
- You'll know a growl when you hear it, and if you're wise, you'll back off. The growl is a warning sound.
- When the amp is turned up and the low (wound) strings are picked close to the bridge twang gives way to growl, especially on the bridge pickup.
- Ring Around the Roserade (I)
- ngirr-ma, mirr-ma, warle-na